MOTHER MARY"Nurture yourself"
Many of you give so much of yourselves, it is now the time to give something to yourself. You need to nurture yourself. This means taking good care of your body through sleep, detoxification, and exercise. It also means taking care of your needs as you would for others. To have more energy, abundance, peace, purpose, and everything that you desire, nurture yourself.
Balance giving and receiving for yourself. Honour your inner voice. Get some rest and take care of your body. Nurture yourself and take care of your inner child, Mother Mary is with you, helping and guiding you anytime you ask to feel her love and protection.
Working with Mother Mary: Mother Mary is the beloved mother of Jesus who is renowned for love and compassion. Mary helps children (including our inner child) and caretaker of children. You can ask Mother Mary for a Divine assignment to help children as part of your life's work.
Mary has been called "the Queen of the Angels". Her present persona, too, is definitively angelic: She's among the most loving, patient and kind of the ascended masters. The angels love her, and they work with her to effect miracles. Yet, behind her gentleness, there's a firm 'mother bear' who lovingly warns us to shape up.
Mary is especially watchful of the "Indigo and Crystal Children," who bring gifts of salvation to the planet. Mary will assist anyone whose life purpose involves helping these young ones, and she will open doors to child advocates. She helps those whose intentions are benevolent towards children, including those who seek to abolish chemicals that harm children's psyches, including dietary pesticides and additives, and psychoactive medications such as Ritalin.
She helps with Children and adopting them, as well as all other issues related to children. She supports those who help children, or need help with their children (also call upon Archangel Metatron to work with her and the Indigo/Crystal children). She will assist in fertility, healing of any kind and bringing compassion and mercy into your life.