Sacred Spaces with Archangel Michael
by Sharon Taphorn June 9, 2013
It is important for your rest and rejuvenation that you
create a sacred space for yourself where you feel peaceful and tranquil and can
connect with nature, or create this in your mind for yourself regardless of
where you are. It helps you to rest, relax and regain your bearings and
sometimes your very sanity. No one can take this from you as it is yours. Create a
pyramid of light within your sacred mind and heart and it is yours to do with
as you please.
Sometimes there is so much going on around you it is hard to
find space for yourself and this is precisely when you should take the time to
go to this special place so that you can reconnect once again with that greater
part of yourself that is wise, still and
peaceful. It will provide you with a much needed respite from all that is
happening in your time.
This is a time of accelerated energy on the earth and it can
bring with it much confusion and manic behaviour that leads many to be
unproductive and unfocused. When you feel that happening for you that is your
signal to take a moment, take a breath and re-orient yourself with your now and
your goals so that you can continue on with bringing your dreams and desires
into physicality.
Be gentle with yourselves and others as you move ahead for
it is not always easy and you are roughest on yourselves and your expectations
are sometimes not on what is truly important for you and your growth. It is
often based on the expectations of others or the mental energy of your 3D
world. Take a good look at your life and see where you have been and where you
are heading and decide if it is truly where you choose to go now. Sometimes these are outdated ideas that you created in your past and these need to be renegotiated for the new you that is in your now.
Spend time communing with your guides and angels and higher self for they can
help you see yourself and your path from the perspective of your complete self
and help you integrate all the aspects of you into the one. The better your
connection and relationship you have with your higher self, the more you begin
to live the life you have been longing for within your hearts.
While you are having a physical experience, and it is important
to remember that you are indeed needing to create certain things for yourself
in the physical world, it is easy to be overly focused upon the material and
the mental aspects of your journey. We wish to remind you that it is also
important to focus upon the whole of who you are and also honour and remember
the emotional and spiritual parts and integrate the four into all parts of your
lives. This will help you experience the
completeness of your journey and to help you have the life experiences you deserve
and desire.
If you are currently challenged by much of what is happening
around you, take the time to just be in the moment and remember that this too
shall pass and that there are always better times ahead. Keep your focus on
creating the energy you desire and do not descend into the darkness of the ego
and the mental aspects of the mind. These are the opportunities for you to go beyond your current
state of evolution and you will. You are exactly where you want to be, even if
you do not understand the why. Finding the gift within each experiences helps
to lead you to even more and that is precisely why you chose to be here at this
time of humanities evolution and know that it will lead you to the growth that
you seek for your soul and that it is part of the magnificent purpose of the lightworkers who
are incarnate at this time.
Go with the knowledge that the god force is inside of you
and that you are an important part of this great shift. You are not alone upon
your path and know and trust that we are always beside you, supporting you should you think
that you have stumbled and are always with you to help you up in your times of
need. The better and stronger you make this connection, the more confident you have in your choices and your journey.
It is a beautiful time to be incarnate angels and it is a wonderful time to be alive with spirit and experiencing life in all its glory. Cherish your path and your journey, cherish yourselves and nurture and cherish the beauty in others so that they too feel the calling to step up their own journey to be at one with the path of light.
You are always our beloveds and we are always with you, assisting you and supporting you during these times of great change. and dedicated to this quantum leap for humanity, I am you and you are me, always. Remember who you are, Archangel Michael
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо,Toda, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
Article Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn
All rights reserved.
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