Your angels are waiting to help you in your tasks. They are waiting to lead you toward the desires of your heart and the answers to your prayers. Please listen to and follow the steps the angels are communicating to you through your intuition, thoughts, dreams and those around you.
Meditate with us, ask to be shown your next step or answers in a way in which you understand in your current vibration if you feel you do not understand. We are always here and await your requests. Angel wisdom reminds you the prayer is the asking, and meditation is the answering. And we can not assist without you first requesting our help.
Notice repetitious thoughts and feelings, or vivid visions, dreams or auditory messages. These are our loving messages, urging you to take action or make changes.
Together we will work to co-create your answered prayers.
You are dearly loved, the Angels
COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
thank you
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
thank you
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