Love unconditionally

This means to love without conditions. To just love someone regardless. Unconditional love is what all the great masters achieved while in physical form. If you want to increase the love you receive, open your heart and give more love to the world and also to yourself. By giving love, you naturally attract that energy stream back to you. It is perfectly safe to open your heart and love. It is the most powerful force in the Universe.
Ask your angels to reveal to you the love, warmth and kindness in others, to focus your eyes and your heart on loving actions and your ears on loving words. This enables you to be more kind, loving and genuine with others and to love each others as we angels do. Notice the signs of love that are all around you and in everything living, and everything is living. Let love melt away any fears or doubt and be your guiding force and motivation.
Affirmation: "I give and receive love with an open heart."
Have a blessed day and know you are loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji,Kiitos
Article Copyright ©2012 by Sharon Taphorn
All rights reserved.
Let there be peace in your heart
Love unconditionally
It seems that each message is addressed to me ..
is always a joy open your blog .. Thanks!
That is the beauty of their messages... they speak to each of us who are guided to them in as different ways as each of our paths.
Each day when I write a message I am sure we have already said everything and they give a message that when I read it, I am amazed once again with the love and the beauty I feel and how it opens my heart and understanding.
Have a beautiful day filled with angels! xoxox Sharon
Thank you!
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