The purpose of life is simple

humanity in a way that brings great joy to your life, yourself and to
others. Worry not about finding a purpose. Instead let your purpose be
drawn to you using the principles of the Law of Attraction and in this
way, your purpose will serve you. When you feel joy, it indicates that
your connection to Spirit is strengthened. As this connection becomes
stronger, you become one with spirit and blend with the higher vibration
of love.
have the power to choose your thoughts. Align them with thoughts of
love, peace, and harmony. This is the fastest way to bring in the higher
frequencies to your dimension. Take the time to invest in yourself,
your growth and expansion, as you are worth it. As you do this all
humanity expands and grow. The angels can help to guide you to
education, workshops and healers to help you with this process. Ask and
we are there.
Affirmation: "First I seek joy and all else follows"
Have a blessed day and know you are loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji,Kiitos
Article Copyright ©2012 by Sharon Taphorn
All rights reserved.
I found you by accident on Thursday, June 7th. And I bookmarked to get inspired or to feel some sort of connection. I must say that everyday since last Thursday every single day it feels like the Angel cards are speaking directly to me, I don't read the daily message beofre I start my day, I read the daily message at the end of my day and every single message has hel true in my everyday outside life and physical/emotional life. What made me leave a comment is reading the daily message and what made me say "wow" was that lately I have been giving in to cravings due to universal stress that I am going through at this point, it's hard to explain, but just know it just feels like that my angels are talking to me through your daily readings. I don't think this website was "by accident" ;) God bless!
Sorry for the typos, I was just too excited to post that I didn't proofread lol. Have a blessed day!
Mommy to 3, I feel the same. Good luck with your connection and check out my blog too :)
Awesome... there are no 'accidents' lol...glad you both found us. xoxox
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