You are nearing the end of a cycle

Call upon your angels to comfort you, and to gently guide you to your next step. Endings signify new beginnings and a happier future awaits as the new dawns. Your prayers, asking for safety and protection, have been heard and answered. When you ask your angels to watch over you, your loved ones, your home, and your possessions, your prayers are instantly answered. There is no hesitation or delay from your angels, it is done the moment you ask! Know that we are always here to comfort and support you, so that you can focus your energy in meaningful and creative ways, with your mind clear of worries.
Let go of any unforgiveness that you hold in your heart towards yourself and others as you near the end of this cycle, so you can enter the next stage with your heart clear and open. Release any burdens that you carry on your shoulders and surrender them to your angels. We can help you find creative solutions that leave everyone feeling empowered and loved, especially yourself, which is truly our goal.
Angel wisdom reminds you that challenging people and situations are sent your way to help you grow, not as a punishment. These situations are your greatest teachers. Without them, your growth would go much more slowly than you desire. Your guidance is to let go of the hurt, resentment or anger of the past. Love unconditionally and you realize there is no need to forgive. You see the bigger picture and understand the whys in the clear light of love. Love is for giving, so open your heart and give your love. Let love grow and be your guide as the next stage begins.
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Call upon your angels to comfort you, and to gently guide you to your next step. Endings signify new beginnings and a happier future awaits as the new dawns. Your prayers, asking for safety and protection, have been heard and answered. When you ask your angels to watch over you, your loved ones, your home, and your possessions, your prayers are instantly answered. There is no hesitation or delay from your angels, it is done the moment you ask! Know that we are always here to comfort and support you, so that you can focus your energy in meaningful and creative ways, with your mind clear of worries.
Let go of any unforgiveness that you hold in your heart towards yourself and others as you near the end of this cycle, so you can enter the next stage with your heart clear and open. Release any burdens that you carry on your shoulders and surrender them to your angels. We can help you find creative solutions that leave everyone feeling empowered and loved, especially yourself, which is truly our goal.
Angel wisdom reminds you that challenging people and situations are sent your way to help you grow, not as a punishment. These situations are your greatest teachers. Without them, your growth would go much more slowly than you desire. Your guidance is to let go of the hurt, resentment or anger of the past. Love unconditionally and you realize there is no need to forgive. You see the bigger picture and understand the whys in the clear light of love. Love is for giving, so open your heart and give your love. Let love grow and be your guide as the next stage begins.
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji
Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.
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