is the first part of a much longer message I will share on Calling All
Angels on Thursday, yet I felt that it would help those who are having a
challenge with the all that is happening especially the empaths. Enjoy
the love and beauty of this gift, Love and blessings, Sharon)
is not always easy to keep your rose coloured glasses on, however it is
our hope through this message that you will find solace, courage,
compassion and understanding of the larger picture of why and what makes
some people act in the manner they do and how this beautifully
signifies the shifting times of this generation.
us begin by taking a moment to clear our energy fields and open
ourselves up to ideas that might be new or a different perspective on
the earth journey and the human journey. Close your eyes and listen to
these words and if you are visual, imagine, if you are tactile, feel,
and trust that it is happening as it is, some will feel it, others will
not, do not lament what isn't, focus upon what is. Focus upon your
breath and slow it down. As you inhale, select only finest of oxygen
molecules to come into your body and cleans you and with every out
breath, you are releasing thoughts, feelings and anyone else's energy
that does not serve your highest purpose. And continue taking these
focused breaths until you feel deeply relaxed. As you relax we are going
to awaken your cellular consciousness and bring forth the pure breath
to every cell in your being and let it flow thought you and you begin to
come alive in a new way, and some of you will tingle all over as your
cells begin to awaken.
envision a jewel appearing on the roof above you. It is the perfect
colour and can be any colour, it is to reflect what you need to clear
and re-balance your energy field, and as you look at this beautiful
stone a vortex of light begins to form and start spinning. It begins to
expand and form a cone of energy that widens to encompass all of you and
comes down and sweeps through you like a whirlwind of energy, cleansing
and clearing you. As this beam passes through you and around you
sweeping away debris, it funnels down into the earth for use by the
mother as she sees fit. If you have been through some particularly
trying times of late, then ask for another light filled vortex to sweep
through and clear you. And relax. The next one can be a different colour
or the same, it matters not. Trust that spirit knows exactly was is
best and right for you.
you relax and enjoy this beautiful and peaceful feeling that you should
be feeling (or do it again until you feel clear and peaceful) ask now
that some shields of light are placed around you, to have them form a
bond around you like an egg shell does to the yoke. These can be shields
that are more like filters so that they allow for a flow and exchange
of beneficial energy for you and those who come in contact with your
light. Ask for what you desire and then trust that it is so. You do
not want to completely cut off others as there is so much that is meant
to help and assist you.
this every day to keep your balance and clear of other peoples thoughts
and feelings so that you have time to put your stuff in order and work
with what is yours. At any time you find yourself in less than desirable
energy, take a moment and do a quick clearing and re-shielding. this
will help you immensely during these shifting times as a form of
protection from all the other thoughts and feelings of those just trying
to find their way.
patient, kind and tolerant of others while you get your bearings and
most others will afford you the same courtesy. Don't take it personally
for those who don't.
interactions with each other will be many and unlimited, and there is
no need for you to ever feel as if you are doing it alone, my deepest
love and gratitude, Archangel Raguel
you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо,Toda,
Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
Article Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn
All rights reserved.