Monday, August 23, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"To attract, heal, or balance relationships is to realize that the most important relationship you
have is with yourself, every other relationship follows from there."

The relationships in our lives are vast and many. If you have an
imbalance in your relationship with yourself, it is reflected in your
relationships with others. Spend time getting to know and love
yourself. What qualities do you love about yourself? What don't you
love about yourself? Focus on your wonderful qualities and work on
loving the ones you don't, as well as the ones you would like to have.

Angel wisdom reminds you that you are truly a beautiful and special
person. You are worthy of healthy, balanced relationships, and to trust
in yourself to make wise and honourable decisions. Most often blocks we
have in attracting or healing relationships are rooted in an emotional
experience from childhood or within a past or existing relationship.
Ask your inner child what relationships mean to you in general and/or a
specific relationship so that you can better understand and heal. Then,
in your mind and your heart, surround yourself, the situations, and the
person(s) with calming pink light and ask the angels to help you. Be
open to the gifts within each situation and allow yourself to feel the
love and peace.

Affirm often:"I am love, I am loved."

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

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