Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Begin by simplifying your life, your home, your car, your work...
It is time to release things physically, emotionally, mentally and make room for bringing the spiritual aspect into each of these realms. By freeing up energy, it makes room for the new to enter. Try different ventures and experiences, as this is how you grow.

Release any thoughts of the ego, better than, less than, or competition in where you are. This is a race of the solitary runner who by his feats, creates a wave of energy that boost all of those around him to become more, to begin to awaken to a grander vision and realization that there is more than what is seemingly available to them in their present.

Take a deep breath and ask your Angels to overlight you with their love and compassion and decide what and where you want to go next, then like the fool, march forward.

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
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distributed freely.
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Monday, August 30, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"You are more powerful than you may realize. Ask yourself "What is it I believe"
Angel wisdom reminds you that it is important to think about what you want, not what you don't want. Guard your thoughts as these are the very thoughts that are creating your current and future experiences. Our thoughts always have an effect, ALWAYS, and there are no neutral thoughts. You can learn to monitor and alter your thoughts.

Examine where your belief systems are in correlation to what you are receiving and desiring. This is the first step. The next step is to transform those belief systems to match the current you. Many belief systems are out of date and need to be updated to match the latest and always changing vibration of you.

Affirm often: "I am now able to focus my mind at will. I hold only loving thoughts, and my angels are gatekeepers in establishing a steady stream of thoughts with love and compassion."

you are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"See the other person's point of view"
When you have strong emotions about a situation and you feel upset or misunderstood or even used. This message comes to you as a pathway to peace by asking you to consider others' point of view. You don't need to agree with others; you are simply being asked to understand their motivations and to have compassion for their feelings. This process can positively shift the energy of power struggles, much like letting go of a rope during a tug-a-war. As you see the other person's point of view, you open the door for creative solutions.

Avalokitesvara is an Eastern deity who watches over the world and hears all prayers. He's considered to be the male energy form of Quan Yin, the goddess of Compassion. Avalokitesvara has elected to postpone his own ascension into Buddhahood until all humanity is free. Until then, he's readily available to anyone who calls upon him for help and spiritual concerns.

*From Doreen Virtue's Ascended Masters Oracle Cards*

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condition that the content remains complete, full
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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Choose a day and decide that it is your day. A day to treat yourself to being totally optimistic."
Ponder your dreams, and spend some time deciding and doing something that brings that dream closer to your physical world. Spend some time outside walking in nature, even if it is raining, take a dog for a walk, (there is always a local shelter), make a lunch date with friends, or take a walk with them too.

Spend the entire day just being you and staying present in the moment. Ask your Angels to be by your side, guiding and assisting your outlook and experience to be one with all that is. Just for today!

Leave everything else for tomorrow and just be one with the day.

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
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Friday, August 27, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Seek inner peace, tranquility, and calmness of mind."
When you feel serene, you are your own person, you are standing firmly in your powerfulness. You become like a calm, clear lake - beautiful and ever so peaceful to be in the energy of. This quiet radiance brings hope and support to those who come into your aura, as all are calmed by you. This state of being is one of the best ways you can be of service.

Affirm often: "I am serene and peaceful"

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Sit back, relax, and enjoy the outcome of all that you have released from the past and enjoy the now."
Dance upon the winds of change as you land exactly where you have focused on going. Keep yourself centered and in balance with mother earth. Trust that you are in that space at all times and just enjoy each moment. This is the time to create the life you are choosing, so we ask that you choose wisely. What does your heart long to do and how can you fit doing this into your life right now. It might not be exactly as you have envisioned, however the closer you can get to your dreams in your realm, attracts more of the same to you.

Love what you doing!

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"You are reminded that your essence is Divine and that you are always connected to that essence and therefore always connected to the Divine"
Angel wisdom reminds you that  Divine essence is yours to connect with. Still your mind, focus and slow your breath and connect to that still, quiet, wise space deep within you and talk about your ideas and inspirations, get clear on what it is you want and what is the next best step to take, then come back to the earth plane and take that next step - the action is all up to you!

You are truly loved, and always supported, with love, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Quiet your mind dear one, and listen. Trust that you are hearing our messages and that everything is okay right now."

Let us reassure you that everything is taken care of, you are safe, and dearly loved. Everything is in Universal order and therefore filled with Divine love. Infuse only loving thoughts and emotions into every aspect of your life to ensure that the highest possible outcome flows effortlessly to and through you.

Stay in a quiet and receptive state. Focus on the next step on your path of manifestations, not the exact nature you think should happen, be open to the magnificent possibilities that are before you. Your quiet mind and body hears us quickly and clearly.

Affirm often: "Each day I am hearing my guidance clearer and clearer." "I am in the flow with my Divine connection."

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Monday, August 23, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"To attract, heal, or balance relationships is to realize that the most important relationship you
have is with yourself, every other relationship follows from there."

The relationships in our lives are vast and many. If you have an
imbalance in your relationship with yourself, it is reflected in your
relationships with others. Spend time getting to know and love
yourself. What qualities do you love about yourself? What don't you
love about yourself? Focus on your wonderful qualities and work on
loving the ones you don't, as well as the ones you would like to have.

Angel wisdom reminds you that you are truly a beautiful and special
person. You are worthy of healthy, balanced relationships, and to trust
in yourself to make wise and honourable decisions. Most often blocks we
have in attracting or healing relationships are rooted in an emotional
experience from childhood or within a past or existing relationship.
Ask your inner child what relationships mean to you in general and/or a
specific relationship so that you can better understand and heal. Then,
in your mind and your heart, surround yourself, the situations, and the
person(s) with calming pink light and ask the angels to help you. Be
open to the gifts within each situation and allow yourself to feel the
love and peace.

Affirm often:"I am love, I am loved."

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career

Playing it safe can lead to staleness and depression. You've asked for more happiness and definite direction. I've lit the flame of passion in your heart to lead and guide you. It's safe for you to lead and guide you. It's safe for you to take risks and follow your heart's desires. Ask me to be your partner along your path of passion, to guide and nurture you. When you fell a strong knowingness, alongside a burning passion, pay attention, as this is my way of giving you information about your next step.

Working with Archangel Haniel: Haniel's name means "Glory of God." Haniel can help you give glory to God by living at your highest potential. She'll groom your hidden talents, and help you polish your skills. Then, when you apply your masterful ways to your true passions, Divine magic occurs!

*from Doreen Virtues Archangel Oracle Cards*

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Surrounding yourself with positive people and situations allows you to attract and create your intentions and future moments in their highest potentials."

Angel wisdom suggests that you use your skills and talents with intention. Eliminate power struggles, conflicts and competition, which come from an ego desire to win. This promotes harmony and joy around you and a magical sense that all things are possible. Appreciate the gifts within each moment and this will allow you to attract and create all that you desire.

Avoid negative people, situations, and influences as much as possible. Avoid negative discussions with yourself and others, turn off programs with negative themes, and stay away from violent movies etc. This will assist you in cleansing any hidden blocks that could slow you down from manifesting the results you desire.

Affirm often: "I am surrounding by loving thoughts about myself and others, I am light."

you are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Friday, August 20, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"You are always protected against lower energies, and you, you loved ones and home are safe."
Call in Archangel Michael when you need help with courage, to assist in the release of fear and other lower thought forms. As you make changes in your life and as you encounter challenges, you are always safe and secure.

Have a heart to heart discussion with Michael often. Pour out all of your concerns to him. Don't worry about overburdening him, as Michael, like all other archangels, is able to be with everyone simultaneously who calls upon him. He has no limitations of time and space, so he can help everyone anytime they ask.

If you become worried or anxious, call in Michael to bring in peace. He can also help you clear you home, office, vehicle, or community of toxic energies. When Michael is near you'll likely notice a warm glow in your cheeks. You can ask Micheal to stay with you continuously, as he is able to be with everyone who calls upon him.

You are dearly loved, The Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"You are blessed to attract to you Serenity, love, tranquility and peace"
The Angels in turn ask you to spread these beautiful qualities to others. Let this be a time of new beginnings and look to the past as a blessing in your evolution. Angel wisdom reminds you that you wouldn't be where you are now if it weren't for all that you have been through. Celebrate who you are and who you are becoming, for you are indeed a beautiful light that does make a difference in the world.

affirm often: "I am one with everyone in peace and serenity"

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"When you are positive, you keep directing a stream of high vibrating energy."
Your every thought, words and actions pay immediate dividends, so invest wisely. You have the power to choose your thoughts and therefore the Angels recommend that you choose thoughts that are aligned with love, peace and harmony. WE can assist you in tuning into these higher frequencies any time you call us in.

Your thoughts and your attitudes come out in every area of your life, so focus on loving, abundant and successful outcomes and watch as the magic begins.

Affirm often: "I am positive and joy-filled"

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Soften your heart to everyone and everything, especially yourself."
Work at forgiving yourself and then others will naturally follow as you learn to live your life from the perspective of compassion. It is a powerful tool of spiritual growth. You don't need to change your stance or behaviour, it simply means that you can approach life with a loving heart.

See yourself and others through the eyes of your angels, with unconditional love and acceptance, regardless as to how it appears at first. The more love and compassion you begin to feel, the more the things around you seem to change. Yet it is truly you seeing the world from a higher perspective and allows any troubles, difficult relationships and lower energies to be transformed.

affirm often: "I am cleansed with the violet flame and my heart is filled with compassion."

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Monday, August 16, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"It is time to let go of many of things and some of this process might seem painful and difficult, however it is worth the journey to the other side."
There are actions and people from the past that you are being urged to gently let go of. Soon enough the purpose or this process - as difficult as it may seem at the time - will become clear, and you will understand that in order to grow and evolve, this process and the energy it creates is destiny working its magic. The process of change will help to crate the energy and strength for new projects, new loves, new friends and a new life.

Angel wisdom reminds you that as you release the past, you can build a better and stronger future - with or without certain people or situations in your life. This is a great time to seek out true friends - and you know there are a couple of people in this world that you trust beyond others. Now is that time to cultivate those contacts.

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Allow me the pleasure and honour of draping you in this robe of light darling"
"I am at your service, and know that this doesn't diminish my ability to perform humble service. I know that the noblest of professions is to shine beams of light to cast away shadows and to illuminate the highest of Divine wisdom. Make no mistake about it: I'm here to ease and eliminate pain, suffering, and sorrow through my protective stance."

"Allow me to shield you with my barriers of light that only allow love to come shining through, and filter out negativity in all forms. A positive new day shines for you, as you are draped in my robe of loving light. Drink it in, Dear ones, Quench your thirsty soul away from all fear."

Working Ishtar: A Babylonian mother and warrior goddess with multiple unique traits ranging from gentleness to motherly protection, Ishtar is also invoked for healing physical pain and maladies. She is associated with Venus, and some even believe her to be the embodiment of the planet itself.

*from Doreen Virtue's Archangels and Ascended Masters book.*

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
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distributed freely.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Creativity is an energy for adventure and change"
Surround yourself with positively charged energy today and engage in a creative pursuit that speaks from your heart. Do something that inspires ideas and inspirations. Let your imagination flow.

Feel the beauty of oxygenating your every cell by taking a walk in nature, smelling the flowers and feeling the force of nature within you. This feeds your body and your spirit, assisting to move any blocked energy that you might have. Take a deep breath and enjoy!

you are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Friday, August 13, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Know that you can experience these desires right now~"
Stay focused on your desires. It is sometimes hard when you feel that everything around you is so full of energy that you just want to step back and hibernate. The Angels say that NOW is the time to release any thoughts of less than or I can't and move forward with your desired creations.

Avoid toxic or negative situations and people where at all possible, as these have tendency to pull us into their drama, and with the accelerated energy of manifesting your thoughts, this can lead to creating that which you don't want in your life.

Keep a positive outlook about your dreams and imagine that they've already been manifested into reality. Say NO to distractions and watch your creations bloom. 

and always remember that you are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"This is a time of major opportunity, find the balance and power within"
Believe in your own worth, and stay true to your dreams, your soul is telling you that there is something about this time that is urging you to go with the energy. Your Angels and guides will see to it that all the necessary energy you need at this time is there for you to undertake this brilliant new direction.

You are resourceful, clever, inventive and creative, believe in yourself and use that inner strength to manifest your dreams in the physical world. You are surrounded by support both physical and non physical, so take the ball and run with it. This is an exciting time, channel your energy into your dreams and go for it.

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"You are reminded that your very essence is love and that love is a powerful energy"
Open your heart center and share your love with everyone and everything. This does not mean that you do whatever they ask of you, it means that you unconditionally accept them, without judgment, without expectation. Each of you has the power of the Creator within you. All the power of Divine love, wisdom, and intelligence is available to everyone. Choose to be Love.

When you feel that love, you feel serene and at peace, you are powerful. You have spiritual power to communicate with us and receive guidance. Tap in to the universal wisdom of the One Mind, empathize with others and remember that you are truly unlimited.

The more you open your heart, the more Love, Peace and Joy you feel and live.

Affirm often: I am serene, powerful and confident, I am Love.

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Light brings hope and inspiration to all aspects of your life"
Ask your Angels to fill you with more light, as it contains spiritual information that will help you grow. Light will bring you clarity, love and peace.

As you bring more light into your life, your life purpose(s) become illuminated, becoming stronger and clearer as you can then move forward with clairity and purpose.

Your friendships become more balanced and peaceful, your relationship with all things becomes symbiotic and you draw to you more things that hold light as well. And as you radiate this light, you become a beacon of hope for others, reminding them that Divine help is all around.

Your Angel guidance is to expand your light, nurture and strengthen the Divine Light within you.

Affirm often: "I am Light"

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

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Monday, August 9, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"It is time for you to make your real feelings and beliefs known. Share who you are with yourself and others."
 Let people see your true nature. Let people feel your wisdom, and follow what lies in your heart.

Your relationships will change when you 'come out of the closet', ones that aren't evolving will naturally drop away, and others will deepen because you will know that you are loved for who you truly are. Trust and follow your intuition. You are being divinely guided right now. Trust the knowingness, the visions, or the inner voice that is trying to share with you to enhance your journey. Know that you are spiritual supported in this process by the Guides and the Angels.

Use morning affirmations each morning to assist you in all that you wish to manifest. This is a powerful tool if you choose to use it. Before or immediately after arising, spend a few minutes thinking about your desires. Allow yourself to imagine that they've already manifested. Set your intention for what you would like to create in your day today (each day). And as you go about your day, let go of any judgments about yourself or others. Speak your truth with LOVE. Allow others to get to know the real you.

Trust your authentic self, the more authentic you are, the higher the energy and success of all of your projects.

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind, or from other people."

You're hearing true Divine guidance very clearly. It comes in the form of repetitious messages, urging you to improve a situation for yourself or others. Pay close attention to everything you hear in your mind and with your physical ears. Divine directives are repetitious, loving, and to the point. Ask me for help if you need clarification on anything you hear.

Working with Archangel Zadkiel: Zadkiel's aura is a deep indigo blue. When you wear the mineral lapis lazuli, you may feel a closer connection to Zadkiel. Hold the stone above your eyebrows to awaken your ear chakras and to clearly hear the voice of the Divine.

with love, Archangel Zadkiel

*from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Deck*

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"It is time to set your sights higher, to focus your intent."

Take action accordingly as your intuition is correct. You have the power to choose, so align your thoughts with love, peace and harmony. Each action is an investment in what happens next. Focus only upon your true desires. Stretch yourself to fulfill all your potential and hold might visions for yourself and your life. Then, expand your comfort zone so that you can explore your dreams.

Ask for help from the Angels and they will guide and inspire you to raise your consciousnesses, attune your energies and live at higher frequencies.

Affirm often:"I aspire to the great and glorious."

you are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Friday, August 6, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"When all around you seems to be falling apart, take a breath, and connect with your beautiful Terra"

In these changing times that you are amidst, remember to stay optimistic and ground yourself regularly. Use the power of affirmations to keep your focus, and your conscious connection with Mother Earth will help you keep that focus.

Sometimes humans get detached from the very earth they live on when they are doing higher work, and in these days of higher energy, many want to be detached. However the Angels want to remind you that you are here doing a physical journey, and as you learn to work with these higher energy times, you will find that you are more able to create that which you desire. Being grounded while you work with this energy assists in creating your dreams in the 3D world.

So, talk positively, focus on the good in life and feel happier and healthier in the process.

And, always remember that you are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Release anything that is worrying you or holding you back"

If you are attached people, things, or circumstances, it is time to release. If you are holding expectations of others to make things better, it is time to release this as it holds you to a lower frequency that keeps you stuck where you are.

Your Angel guidance is to ask your angels to help you cut the cords that tie you to people, things and emotions. When these are released, you can reclaim your power. Trust your intuition, listen to your higher self. You will do the right thing for all concerned - even if this is indeed the hardest choice you have to make.

If you are feeling a zen-like calm, you are approaching things in the best possible way. Positive changes will come

Affirm often:"I release everyone and everything. My spirit is free."

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"You always have a choice, choose peace and see only love"

As you think about the various options and possible outcomes, what brings the greatest feelings of peace and love to your body and your mind? This is always the best step to take. Listen to your hearts truth for it has much wisdom to share with you.

If you are faced with a situation where you find yourself out of love, stop, take a breath and choose again. See the circumstance through the eyes of your angels and ask us to enter your field so that you can once again return to that state of bliss that is your natural way of being.

Your peacefulness elevates your energy and helps you to manifest your desires. You can always choose peace!

You are dearly loved, the Angels 

*Picture is from the peace fence in Ashland http://www.peacefence.org

 COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"The changes you have been dreaming of are manifesting in your reality"
As you focus on that which you desire to change in your life, you are experiencing true growth. You may have felt you had a bumpy ride in the beginning of your shift and as this shift continues with your resolute focus, you will know that it truly is a a ride you were meant to take.

You may have been questioning aspects of your life over the last little while, at the very least you've been dreaming of wider pastures, treasure chests filled with booty, or becoming a stronger force as you take your power. What ever your have been longing to create in your life, NOW is the time to step up the energy as you are moving closer to creating that which you have been dreaming of creating for yourself. Keep your focus and keep moving. This will attract the right people, business, and love that you have been working for.

The Angels wish to remind you that destiny is the trip you take to take there.

Affirm often: "I am free to choose  and focus my attention on that which I desire."

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Monday, August 2, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"It is time to release all that doesn't match your new energy and move on"
The Angels wish to remind you that it is time to release projects, groups, responsibilities etc, that aren't really yours to those who's journey they belong to. In the past you tried to 'keep busy' taking on all kinds of tasks and projects. While many of them brought you joy, others just bogged you down, using your time, creating unwanted energy, and leaving you feel drained. Delegate to others, quit some groups, ask for help and get rid of any unfinished projects that you would like to see to completion and then just release the rest. It is time to focus on bringing balance, focus and feelings of joy and blessings back.

This is a time to create and focus on what it is that you want to create in your reality, free of ties that currently bind you in heavy energy. Take some deep breaths, and go forward and take much joy and delight  in the outcome of your creations in the physical world.

Affirm often: "I release all burdens and feel more balance and grace"

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


Walk away from restrictions and be free! You have the power and the right to change your life so that you experience more freedom. This signifies that you soul is crying out for more freedom, especially as it involves your life's purpose. Perhaps it is time to take a break so that you can think clearly about your desires and available options. The Universe always supports the desire for expansion, creativity, and freedom.

Say yes to freedom and the Universe will say yes to you.

Working with Hina: Hina is a Polynesian and Hawaiian moon goddess who's considered so beautiful that no one can directly look at her. She felt compassion for the natives, so she threw pieces of the moon down to the islands to provide for their material needs. The pieces turned into banyan trees, which the natives pounded into tapas cloth for use in clothing and commerce. Call upon Hina for issues involving fertility, attraction, and manifestation.

*From Doreen Virtue's Ascended Masters Oracle Cards*

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

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