Monday, September 30, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Knowingness

Sense what feels right for you
Strive to trust what you feel. Your angel guidance is to look deeper at all the relationships, people and situations in your life right now and respond from your inner feelings. Feelings that come from within your beingness. That still quiet voice that says, "Don't do that", or "Don't go there", or "Yes, that is the way to go", or "Follow that feather and see where it lands" or perhaps even, "Say hello and smile at that person". These are all promptings of your inner being, your spirit self that is always connected to your physical self. As you look deeper into your relationships, see the love that underlies all of them. Let that love be your guide.

Use discernment as a tool to assist you  in all that you do. See the gift in  all that you do, read and see. If you are reading or listening to something that doesn't feel right, send it love and change your channel. If it feels completely wrong to you, politely smile and excuse yourself from the situation. If you can't leave it at that moment, take a few deep breaths, feel yourself surrounded by love and light and just be in your bubble of protection until you can leave. Take in only that which resonates to you in that time, and just leave the rest. It might be helping others at levels that are not a part of your journey.

Affirmation: "I am learning to trust and tune into my inner guidance to assist me in what is right and best for me and each day I able hear the promptings of spirit clearly."

And so it is. 

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji
Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Art of Living Life in a State of Grace with Quan Yin

The Art of Living Life in a State of Grace with Quan Yin
by Sharon Taphorn
The tools to transformation are Release and Acceptance. These will help you in undreamed of ways and they are good skills for you acquire for your journey and living and walking your path in a state of grace and oneness with all things. 

As you grow and expand your light you encounter events and situations that are your opportunities to heal, grow and release old patterns. Hold the intention of seeing other's inner Divine spark of Creator Light, which every single one of you has, it is just that some have yet to learn how to make it glow and there are others still learning to see it in each other.

As you begin to walk the path with the wise ones and accept your birthright of accession, you then begin to walk in a state of oneness with each other and all that is. You walk in a constant state of grace and ease and it is a wonderful and attainable place to be. It is not always the easiest path, however it is divinely rewarding. As I too walked this human path in your past, I am now humbly honoured to be a master guide for those who want assistance, instruction and encouragement along their way.

Living in a State of Grace means that you are living your life in conscious connection with your higher self and your path and purpose as a human. It is about living in oneness with all things and also feeling awed by its beauty and its truth. It is hard to put this feeling of living unconditionally into words, it truly must be experienced to fully comprehend and understand. Set your intent every day when begin it and clearly state what it is you expect and the state at which you wish to experience and then trust that it will be so.

To reach this state of transformation, take the time to do a review of your life. View it with compassion. Then take the time to release any unforgiving and unwanted thoughts, feelings and energies, as this is the fastest way to find the contentment, peace and happiness that are you seek. Everything can be healed and love is the tonic that makes the difference. Develop your compassion and view yourself and your life with unconditional love. Call upon myself or any other master to help you, as we will stand right beside you as you speak your truth, giving you strength and guiding your words so that you can speak your truth lovingly, with compassion, power, and also with strength.

It is not always easy or comfortable when you are going through the changes that your growth has brought you however it is a natural part of the spiritual path, your personal growth you’re your expansion. The changes that you are experiencing are part of Your Divine Plan for making your world a better place for all and it has been brought about by your willingness to open your heart and your mind to the possibilities of creating so much more for everyone, and yet it begins with the self-feeling uncomfortable enough with what is happening around them to make those changes.

Know that you are safe and protected now and in your future. Clearly set your intentions and follow the path that brings you a healing, expansion and of course the happiness that you desire for yourself and those around you. As you do this for yourselves, it affects those around you in wondrous ways and as that energy wave of expansion ripples outward, it affects all that it touches and offers others the opportunities to be brave enough to seek out healing, love and compassion and that is the key to this beautiful time of shifting consciousness.

Enjoy this time of waiting. Enjoy having the ability to just be in the moment while everything is falling into place so that when things are right and you are ready for action, you will be refreshed, rejuvenated and empowered. This is your time to grow and expand and not to worry or think about what others are doing. Just be yourself and enjoy the peace that it brings to you.

Trust that you will know what to do when the time is right and know that your angels are with you, assisting you and giving you the courage to make the life changes that will help you be more in your purpose and doing what you came here to accomplish. You are exactly where you need to be right now, so find the joy in where you are and what you are doing. The more joy you find in your now, the smoother life becomes and you know that anything and everything is possible and it must be so.

Take some to relax, be still and let some peaceful feelings wash over you.  Take a time out from your busy day and just be in that moment of silence and solitude and just be. Let go of any old guilt or feelings of less than and remember that you too are a beautiful spark of Creator Light and remember your true nature.  Sometimes the world seems to be spinning so fast and it feels like there is so much to do and that you will never get it all done and that is when it is the perfect time to re-center yourself and regain your footing and get your bearings.

Simplify your life and the things around you. Eliminate that which no longer serves you or your growth and choose activities that help you balance your home life, work life and your spiritual and personal growth. Choose those things that feed your soul and your spirit self and you will find that you feel like you are living your life more in the flow. Remember to keep your thoughts on what you desire and not what you fear or don't have. The more you long for something that feels beyond your reach, the longer it takes to manifest it for you. Your thoughts and feelings are strong and they affect you in many ways as well as affect the entire Universe and all that is. Choose wisely where you put your energy, faith and time and remember to find those peaceful moments to help keep your focus.

Trust in Divine providence. There is no need to hurry or force things to happen. Everything is occurring in its perfect time. Honour and follow your inner wisdom and guidance. Trust what is in your heart. As you let go and follow this guidance, the changes you seek will come your way.

Use the power of affirmations to help you focus and keep your spirits high. Make little cards of the affirmations you desire and carry them with you. Believe that the desired changes are already here and with you, and open the gates to manifesting your intentions.

Be honest with yourself and see with things through the eyes of your angels. Let your true nature shine through. You are so deeply honoured for the courage to step forward into your contracts. You are safe and things are in perfect order. Only infuse loving thoughts and emotions to ensure their highest potential and let them flow effortlessly to and through you.

There is much that is changing. Sometimes it can feel like you are being pulled in different directions and in that confusion it is sometimes hard to see that there are other choices and options that are the answers that you seek. Sometimes it is difficult for you feel unable to make a decision or a choice even though you know that is what you need to do. That is when you know that you are ready to grow beyond where you are into something more. There is always a resolution to any conflict and even though it might not see so at the time or feel like it at first, it is a positive move. Trust that these really are the spiritual experiences that are helping you view the world and yourself in a new light and see beyond where you were. Allow these gifts to open. 

It is these challenging times that foster great strength of spirit and this is one of the reasons that you chose to do an earth journey during these shifting times. Keep charging ahead and expect miraculous solutions to appear and they will. Use the power of your prayer and meditation as this will help you see things from a new perspective and to also know that what seems to be unravelling at times is really just finding its balance and that during these times there is much that is finding the middle way from the extremes of yesterday. Stay strong and trust that there is more that is going on than meets the eye and that these are the times you have been waiting for.

Release that which no longer serves you. It is time to end this phase and get ready to move on to the next phase. Release is often the key to get stagnant or repeating energy moving once again. It is time for the spiritual transformation to happen as you are ready and the energy is ripe for you to move on in your journey. This is an exciting time, you feel it within you and some of you are taking charge and marching heart first and that is the way it should be. Yet there are still some of you who feel that if you do not hold onto the scars of the past you will lose what defines you. You won't, you are not your past. You are the beautiful light who emerged from that, not because of it. Release it and let it go as there is so much more that awaits you.

Find the purpose. Everyone and everything is put upon your path with a purpose. If you are confused or do not understand a situation or relationship, finds its purpose and therefore its gift and that is the fastest way to enlightenment and the knowledge that you seek. It comes from what you have learned from that experience and how you can make your life more pleasing to you and therefore to others as well through the synergy of that gift.

Everyone is working on life lessons and objectives and you are each assisting each other in the best way you know how and you are doing so quite beautifully. You are each in service to each other in more ways than you can possibly imagine and so we say, go in grace. Go in the state of oneness of each other knowing that you also have a purpose in their life and how is it you would like to leave your mark?

Let your originality, ingenuity, and creativity be your strength and your power. See the beauty of who you are and who you are becoming as you bravely step forward into expanded understanding and consciousness. If you have been waiting for the perfect timing, it is here. Open your mind and your heart to those around you and share your light with those that follow. You are on a beautiful path of life and for that you are so greatly honoured. Open your heart and feel our unconditional love and unconditional support at any time, get ready and set your intent to move on to this next chapter in your grand life experiences. 

You are dearly loved and supported, of this there is no doubt, open your hearts and feel this love, open your mind and know that it is omnipresent within each and everything that exists in your world.  Love with compassion and understanding and become all that you can be.

I am your most humble servant, Quan Yin

Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Sharon Taphorn, Author of Angel Guidance-Messages of Love and Healing, shares her wisdom, spirit, and passion around the world through her daily angel messages, her weekly radio program Calling All Angels for more information check out her Home Page at

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Playfulness

Take time to have some fun 
Joyful, light, fun energy help you to manifest your desires into physical form. This not only raises your vibration, it also helps you to release any heavy thoughts and worries, even if just for a little while. If it has been awhile since you have played and had fun, remember a time when you did those things and let it remind you how wonderful it feels and then do what you can to create some time for joyous energy to enter your life.

You are loved and supported by the angels and honoured for all that you do. Know that you never have to go it alone and that we are always with you. Take some time to be in nature, close your eyes and ask to feel our love. Let it flow over you and through you and then, if you have some questions you would like to better understand, we can help you with that too. Be open to receive and let joy and play light up your day

Affirmation: "I make time to enjoy all aspects of my life, I am worth it."

And so it is. 

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう

 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Choices

Make the decision for yourself
It is important that you make complex decisions for yourself so that you are comfortable with your choices. When you let others make your decisions or follow the choices that they think are best and right it slows down your own rate of growth. This is often when you take the longer, often more difficult road as it is not honouring yourself or where you truly wish to be. It could be that you are still just making the best of it and that is fine too. It will however not usually garner the results you desire for yourself. 

This is your journey of self discovery and you are worth it and worthy and deserving of your hopes and dreams manifesting for you. Spend time in quiet meditation and pursue your your spiritual teaching. Do some research with your guides and angels when you need to make a choice or decision and keep your thoughts positive and focused. Worry will only attract more of what you don't want to you so put your energy into what you do want for yourself and those around you. 

Affirmation: "I have confidence in my decisions and choices when I consult my still wise centre and my guides and angels. I choose what it right and best for me always as what is right and best for me is what is right and best for All that Is."

And so it is. 

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう

 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ The Journey

Feel the total experience
It is a wondrous time to be human and while some of you think or feel you are having a bad time, others see the beauty and the gift in the experience. Two people can have the same experience and yet view it from entirely different perspective, not unlike your roller coaster. Some of you see these and fun and exciting, and yet others think it is some new form of hell for you. 

Things are changing in your world as each one of you changes the way you view and see the world. For some of you this isn't happening fast enough and for others, you understand that it takes time to ripple through the mass consciousness. Patience is part of understanding the human journey as the divine timing of all that is must be. Seeds have been planted and events are happening behind the scenes, trust that this is so. 

Work on yourself and your personal journey for it is through the journey of self discovery that you find the path to the One and all that Is. 

Affirmation: "I see and feel great beauty everywhere around me as my life unfolds. I am grateful for the wonderful opportunities that come my way today as I embark on the adventures of my life.

And so it is. 

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう

 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Commitment

Be committed to your visions
When you choose to focus your intentions and attention towards that which is most important to you, you will succeed. Take that leap of faith and follow your dreams, they are worth aiming for and you are worthy. Be open to new options and ideas as these opportunities are there when you are committed to following your own path and trusting that it is so.

It is important for you to develop your insights and feelings so that they become your guide and companion as you follow that path. Develop and expand your third eye with your lower chakras so that you will trust your guidance system as you see the results manifesting for you. You will be seeing and experiencing the world on a new level as you continue expanding your light.  

Affirmation: "I am committed to my visions. I am fully present and set my intention each day and I am seeing the results of my focus manifesting in my life." 

And so it is. 

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう

 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Purpose

Find the purpose 

Everyone and everything is put upon your path with a purpose. If you are confused or do not understand a situation or relationship, finds its purpose and therefore its gift and that is the fastest way to enlightenment and the knowledge that you seek. It comes from what you have learned from that experience and how you can make your life more pleasing to you and therefore to others as well through the synergy of that gift.

Everyone is working on life lessons and objectives and you are each assisting each other in the best way you know how and are doing so quite beautifully. You are each in service to each other in more ways than you can possibly imagine and so we say, go in grace. Go in the state of oneness of each other knowing that you also have a purpose in their life and how is it you would like to leave your mark?

Affirmation: "As I look deeper and see the wisdom and the gift from this experience, I understand. My life is filled with purpose and joy as I am always in-service for all that is as well." 

And so it is.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう

 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Release

Release that which no longer serves you 

It is time to end this phase and get ready to move on to the next phase. Release is often the key to get stagnant or repeating energy moving once again. It is time for the spiritual transformation to happen as you are ready and the energy is ripe for you to move on in your journey. This is an exciting time, you feel it within you and some of you are taking charge and marching heart first and that is the way it should be. Yet there are still some of you who feel that if you do not hold onto the scars of the past you will lose what defines you. You won't, you are not your past, you are the beautiful light who emerged from that, not because of it. Release it and let go as there is so much more that awaits you.
Let your originality, ingenuity, and creativity be your strength and your power. See the beauty of who you are and who you are becoming as you bravely step forward into expanded understanding and consciousness. If you have been waiting for the perfect timing, it is here. Open your mind and your heart to those around you and share your light with those that follow. You are on a beautiful path of life and for that you are so greatly honoured. Open your heart and feel our unconditional love and support at any time and get ready and set your intent to move on to this next chapter in your life experience. You are loved.
Affirmation: "I release the need to control the outcome and follow the divine guidance of my heart so that I am ready and present for this next phase of my journey."

And so it is.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Raziel

Follow your heart
Allow any unwanted thoughts, feelings, and beliefs to be released.Allow your heart and mind be open to the greater possibilities that are available to everyone.  Trust your inner guidance as it comes directly from your heart. Focus on your 3rd eye and open that chakra and allow the rainbow light to beam through it and let it open more with each breath that you take. See a band of light around your head allowing for and opening up your pineal gland, your ear chakras and allow this energy to open up your psychic center. If you feel pain, throbbing or any discomfort in the area of your 3rd eye (brow chakra), soften the beam of light with golden particles swirling through to allow for a more gentle opening to occur and take some deep cleansing breaths. These chakras are your connection to higher realms as well as part of your guidance system through the earth journey.
Visualize whatever is your hearts true desire. See where you are heading at this time on your current path – are you close to reaching your goal? Does the path ahead seem paved with gold or with dread? Ask which way brings you closer to creating that reality.  What is your next best step? Are you willing to do those steps and if so, check in with your angels every day to see your progress, to watch and grow from our perspective. I am here to assist you in seeing more clearly where you are going and how you can get even closer to creating what you choose.
Blessed be, Archangel Raziel
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Transition

Change Happens

Trust that you have planted some seeds, or plant some right now. This means setting your intention as if you already have it, for what you wish to receive. It is counterproductive and brings about unnecessary worry if you are focusing upon what you don't want or if you want something different yet are not clear on what that is. Clearly set your intention for now, you can always change it as it begins to manifest if you do not like what you are creating. It is most important to begin somewhere and see where that takes you from here.
You have some brilliant ideas and inspirations of which to act upon, and so if you feel things are not yet moving, look at those things from a different perspective and just be yourself while it is unfolding. This standstill is only temporary and so enjoy the respite and find you balance for the time ahead will be ushered in quickly and is an exciting new opportunity upon which to build. Change your life now to be more in keeping with your authentic self.
Affirmation: "I do what I know is right and best for me and I welcome the new that is coming my way as I transition through that which no longer serves me or my growth."
And so it is. 
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Mastery

Mastering Life Lessons

It used to be that it took many lifetimes to master the lessons one chooses to experience while being in a human body and yet in this quickening energy of the now some of you are taking on two or three all at once and in higher levels than ever before. Phew, this is not easy and yet you are truly doing so well from the perspective of Spirit. These are times of momentous change on so many levels and some of you are feeling your power and ready to fly and for others it seems like a big black cloud has found you and you can't seem to shake it...
This is the time to then shed the ego but not rid yourself of it, for it is still a part of you and so perhaps the better word is to find balance in that energy. Find the balance in all the aspects of your  life, the physical is the vehicle by which you experience and the ego give you enough courage to stand up and do the things you do each day and heart, it gives you love, and if mixed with the others it gives you healing in so many ways.  Master what you came here to master and watch as your life becomes in the flow of those things that you desire. Things are looking up, things are looking good, make some plans, you are ready...
Affirmation: "I am experiencing powerful understandings of my life, the universe and all that is. I am ready to spread my wings and fly as I follow the guidance of my heart."
And so it is. 
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Friendship

Friendship and Support 

During your lifetimes you have many contracts of friendship and support with your soul family. Cultivate and nourish these friendships as they are very much a part of understanding your separateness from each other or should we say that you are learning to understand that you are not separate from each other.  You are not alone, even if sometimes it feels that way. Take some time today and call an old friend, or start a new friendship with someone and see where it takes you.  Heal a friendship that has been strained in some way. Release ones that are not healthy for you and cut the cords that might be binding you to a lower energy. Forgive yourself and others and let it go, for you no longer need to carry this with you.
Ask your angels to help you to communicate in love, to help you to always come from that part of you that is connected to all that is. Open your heart and know it is always safe for you to share your love and to also receive it. Hurt and anger, no matter how justified, are mental energy and have nothing to do with love. It is time for you to heal these emotions and move forward. Take down the barriers, take down the walls, and let love grow from within you as it is on our side of the veil.
Affirmation: "I am surrounded by trustworthy friendships and I am supported. I offer my love and support unconditionally to those around me."   

And so it is. 

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Your Guidance

Trust your Guidance 

Work on trusting that your prayers are heard and answered and that you are being lead towards the answers that you seek. You receive guidance in many ways and so be open to how it is presented to you, just know that it will come and you will recognize it and know it is the hands of spirit guiding you on your way.
Learning to trust that gut feeling and what it means to you becomes an invaluable resource that really is just for you. Be sure to heal any emotions, thoughts or feelings when you are working this aspect of self so that is clear of any 'outside' influences and comes from deep within. This is you and your connection to your all that is. Take excellent care of it and as it does of you and let it help you every day.
Affirmation: "Each day I am strengthening my connection with my inner guidance and as I do it begins to grow, as I grow I know exactly what to do and when, for my highest good and the good of all." 

And so it is. 

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Truth & Integrity

Be your true self 
As more of you expand your understanding and develop your qualities and senses, you will find that those who are not living in their truth or with integrity having a more difficult time. They will become increasingly uncomfortable with the changes that are happening on mass and that will lead to change. Those who are coming in now will see the thoughts, words and emotions of everyone reflected in their aura and many of you are developing these skills as well.
Many of you long for the day when there is more honesty and integrity and it is coming, perhaps not as fast as you would like, but it is changing. The more of you who begin to trust your inner guidance system and purify your thoughts, feelings and actions, the faster others will as well as there is truly no other way of being. As you radiate the resonance of truth, integrity and openness, others will see your light and know that is safe and okay to be their authentic selves and that will accelerate this period of growth.
Affirmation: "My thoughts, words and activities mirror my highest intentions. I take action when I feel guided and these lead to miraculous outcomes, contentment, and abundance."
And so it is. 
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ The Masters

Becoming the Masters 

You are becoming the masters for this next age. Step up and assume your roles and work on becoming the best you can be in all that you do. As you develop your talents and your skills of working with your personal energy systems and expanding your mind and understanding of the cosmic laws, you will find that so much more is available to you.

First, know that you are safe and protected and there truly is nothing to fear. It is in the resistance of newness and change that most of you stay stuck in the past of what has been for the path of the human. It is time to explore the unknown for yourselves and to traverse the pathway and unlock the secrets in the power of your mind and thoughts. These are the life changes that will help you work on your divine life purpose and is a part of your grand master plan.

Develop your qualities of unconditional love and higher dimensional compassion. This means to release any judgements about yourself and others and to focus on the love and light that dwells within each one of you. This means to love yourself and others, and every situation regardless what the outward appearance may be. This does not mean that you approve of everyone and everything, it means that you accept it for what it is and love them anyway, without conditions, without judgement as these feelings just hold you back from the grander plan of your mission.

Take care of your earth and each other. It takes a village to raise a child, and you are all learning to live and adapt to your spirit being in a finite body while forgetting that you are truly infinite and this is just the next chapter for you in your unfolding. Remember that you too are trying to find your footing and stay grounded and this is not always an easy task with all that seems to be going wrong  and falling apart around you. Trust that all is unfolding as it should and keep your focus on what it is at hand for you and your growth, as that affects everyone and all that is.

There is always help available to you, so look around and see what is being offered to you and open your hearts and your minds to the greater possibilities and know that this is so. This is the perfect time for you to explore your new ideas and inspirations. Begin those projects that are important to you as the conditions are just right for you to begin planting new seeds of growth and the conditions right now. Don't get bogged down in the energy of what you are told that is, as this is not what is truly happening from our perspective and you the way-showers of this great shift are indeed the examples that inspire others to live their truth and walk their walk in the name of love and light.

Affirmation: "I am ready to walk the path of love and light and step forward and become that which I desire to see in this world."

And so it is.

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう

 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Visualize

Let your mind soften 

You can more easily hear and receive your angels messages when you take the time to let your desires unfold before you like a movie that was created just for you. Ask your angels to help you see your intended desires and visualize what your life will look like when you reach a point of great inner satisfaction and use that feeling to ignite your passions.
Know that you are a magical person who can manifest your clear intentions into reality. Daydream and visualize to help you achieve this. Hold these dreams and desires in your thoughts, in your feelings, and feel the joy and the peacefulness that you have as your reach your destination, then while you dreaming, your angels and guides can offer you guidance on the next best step for you to take.  There is great power in your ability to create when you visualize the outcome and then listen to your inner wisdom. Practice each day and inbetween, take the actions you feel guided and the more action steps you take, the closer that reality becomes.
Affirmation: "I can visualize, feel and sense my dreams and desires manifesting in my life; Each day I am seeing the results of my visualization manifesting before me."
And so it is. 
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Expansion

This is a time of growth and changes 

Many of you are experiencing great changes in both your inner and outer worlds. As this happens, it changes the way you experience life, the Universe and everything. It changes who you are and how you see the world and when you change the way you see the world, the world changes. When you expand and change, you change the world and how others see you and that is part of this ever expanding Universe.

Many of you are experience a newness with your senses and emotions and for some this is not an easy change as you resist it so. Take a breath and remember to nurture yourself and spend time in meditation. Ask your angels to help you gain a greater understanding and a new perspective and focus upon your spiritual gifts. Clear your energy fields and chakra systems regularly. If you are with a lot people or in a densely populated area, do this more often as it will help you to not only keep your focus but to also clear yourself of the energy of those around. Water is a wonderful cleanser as are your angels and guides who are happy to assist you at anytime you ask.

Keep an open mind and a open heart, learn new ideas and implement them in your life as this will help you reach for your dreams and desire and bring them into fruition. Remember that you deserve the best of everything and so reach for the stars and dream big thoughts. Know that this expansion is leading you to something more and trust that it is so.

Affirmation: "I am experiencing my life and my world in new ways and this expansion allows me to be more in tune to the opportunities that are available to me and I am now in the flow of giving and receiving and All that Is.

And so it is.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank,Taka, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji, Kiitos, Tack, Danke, ありがとう
 Universal Copyright ©2013 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.