Monday, October 11, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


You are supplied for today and all of your tomorrows
You have the Infinite supply of the Universe available to you, feel how powerful that is and be grateful. Shower you gifts, and everything truly is a gift, with love. Let golden particles of your love flow forth from your heart into everything that you do, think about, feel, and share.

Offer a thank you for everyone in your life, no matter what they have brought to you, for each has made you stronger and who you are today. Thank those who have loved and supported you.

And let us, your entourage of helping angels, thank you for being our human messengers.

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2010... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

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