Sunday, March 1, 2009

Angel Card of the Day


"Pay careful attention to the messages the Angels Give you now. You have asked us for a sign, and we deliver. When you think it is from us... it is from in that knowing."

When you ask for assistance from your guides and Angels, it is your responsibility to pay attention to the signs. It can be a butterfly, a feather or a dime. If you stop and wonder it is a sign, then yes, it is a sign.

Usually it is a good idea to be clear on what you are seeking. When you receive something you think is a sign. Pause for a few moments, ask what this sign means if you are unsure and listen for the reply. If you want to know what is the next the same. Tune into your heart energy when you listen to us and feel the love.

Blessings this day, the Angels

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