Friday, October 25, 2019

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Dream Big

The Angels want you to know...
“Dream big as you set your intentions for this next phase. You have made great steps in your process of transformation and your angels are ready and waiting to help you make those dreams manifest in your physical world. They can help to line things up, it is your job to watch for the signs and act upon them. If you feel the nudge, take the plunge. Don’t wait, take action and follow your heart”
Thought for today: “Dream Big as you set your intentions! It is time to turn those dreams into reality.”
And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported always, the angels
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran, Děkuji
Universal Copyright ©2019 by Sharon Taphorn All rights reserved.
Please share as long as copyright and contact info are always included and the message is complete and credit is given to the author.

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