You are guided to be true to yourself in all that you do

The Angels say "Let go of anything inauthentic and all activities that do not mirror your highest intentions and desires for yourself. If there is something that is not working in your life at this time, be willing to release it and start again. You have the ability and power to turn all of your desires into reality.
When you release unhealthy situations, the energy begins to move, making way for Divine light to enter. You will find that 'the job, relationships, health issue, or other circumstances' heal in ways that you could never have imagined. The key is to trust that you are supported and release any thoughts of doubt or less than.
Hold feelings of joy in your heart. Joy is that magical sense that all things are possible, and they are. Appreciate the gifts within each moment.
Expect a miracle when you decide to be true to who you are.
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the Angels

The Angels say "Let go of anything inauthentic and all activities that do not mirror your highest intentions and desires for yourself. If there is something that is not working in your life at this time, be willing to release it and start again. You have the ability and power to turn all of your desires into reality.
When you release unhealthy situations, the energy begins to move, making way for Divine light to enter. You will find that 'the job, relationships, health issue, or other circumstances' heal in ways that you could never have imagined. The key is to trust that you are supported and release any thoughts of doubt or less than.
Hold feelings of joy in your heart. Joy is that magical sense that all things are possible, and they are. Appreciate the gifts within each moment.
Expect a miracle when you decide to be true to who you are.
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the Angels
COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
thank you
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
thank you
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji
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