Saturday, December 31, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Happy New Year

Can you feel the energy

This is a time to set your intent and desires as you are entering a new cycle. Those that hold their focus steadfastly will be the ones who see the results of their manifestations. Others may feel threatened by your ability to get things done however do not feel despair as soon they will want to know your tricks as you inspire others by your example. Follow your intuition and your material needs will be provided for. Developing and strengthening your intuition is of vital importance at this time as is your own personal healing and then the healing of mother earth. This is part of each life purpose who is here now. Be the guardians you are destined to be.

Your life purpose includes being in service. To serve in some way that brings you joy. Ask yourself what brings you the greatest joy at this time and work on incorporating that into you life somehow. There are clubs, volunteer activities, organizations, Service clubs and so much more. Find some way that brings absolute joy to yourself and others.

Affirmation: "I am happy, healthy and abundant in all ways."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ New Beginnings

Now is the perfect time

Be ready to give birth to new ideas and situations in your life. We are entering a new cycle and rebirth is indicated at this time. This can mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of a fresh new idea or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light and hope. It can also mean a complete change it what is. Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar, for the new cannot enter until the old has been released. We are watching over you, and protecting you during these times of changes.

This is the perfect time to act on your inspirations. Everyone and everything is on your side, supporting your positive outcome. Don't delay, act today. Ask the angels to guide the new beginnings in your life safely to maturity.

Affirmation: "I welcome the new in my life as I release that which no longer serves my desired growth."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Meditation

Meditation is a perfect practice to start in the new year
Just quiet your mind, feel your heart slow and be in a rhythm of your breath. Listen to your breath and let your thoughts leave your mind, you can pick them up later. Place them in a box in the corner just so you know where they are. Focus on your inhale and your exhale and how wonderful that feels as every cell in your body is bathed with oxygen and light and relaxes in love. Then, you can listen to the promptings of the Divine from within or something longer like taking a journey with us to a magical land and tap into your inner wisdom and work on expanding your senses. Relax and open your mind to receiving, without directing your thoughts. Just notice the feelings, visions, or ideas that come your way. Call in your entourage of angels to assist you and then be open to the expansion that is taking place.

And then, in your awake state, notice the loving guidance you hear inside your head, or from other people. Notice the feelings that you get and trust in them. If you are unsure, quiet your mind and breath, and ask your heart center to give you more information and then act on the information you receive. Ask your Angels to open your third eye and practice using these tools in your everyday life.

Affirmation:"Each day my senses are expanding, opening and becoming more sensitive with my environment "

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Intentions

Stay focused upon your intentions, desires, and priorities.

Pay attention to the doors that are opening, and learn from the doors that are closed.Keep a positive outlook about your dreams, and imagine that they've already manifested into reality. Spend time each day devoted to projects that are dear to your heart.

If you are stuck or indecisive, the Universe doesn't know what you want. It is important to clearly decide what direction or goals you choose and then focus on them, then the energy is stronger.

If you are unsure what is the next step on your path, ask the Angels. We will help to guide you. It is your responsibility to take the steps through those doors you choose take. Know that everything works within the Universal Laws, such as the Law of Attraction and the Law of Divine Timing. This means that the vibration you are putting out is what you receive, and that certain pieces of the puzzle must be in place so that other parts can come into play. If you skip, rush or ignore certain pieces or parts, the plan lacks a solid foundation, and you don't see the results you desire.

Decisiveness is the catalyst for the Angels to clear the way for your manifestations. Let go of the fears or the worries and focus only on the destination you intend to reach. Enjoy the journey along the way.

Affirmation: "I am clear and focused. My desires are manifesting now"

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Trust the guidance that you feel

Trust the guidance that comes from deep within. Do not listen to the promptings of lower energy, trust the feelings that are filled with love and excitement. Trust that you know the difference by the love that you feel in the messages and promptings. That is how you know that we are helping you. Trust that you are being helped, we are working behind the scenes to assist in making things happen, even if you haven't seen the results yet, trust and don't give up now. Your desires are coming to fruition. Keep up the good work and trust and believe that all things are possible for you.

Trust the divine guidance that you feel within your heart, trust your heart. We are always with you guiding you with thoughts, words and deeds, sometimes through other human angels that are before you. Ask us to be your project assistants and then pay attention for the signs.

Affirm often: "I am empowered and enlightened through my own inner guidance and validations I receive in the signs all around me."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Enjoy

Take the time to enjoy your life.

It is time for you to take a moment and delight in the wonder of everyday and celebrate in it.Take action to take care of yourself, eat foods that nourish your physical body, as well as your spirit. Go outside and breath some fresh air and marvel in all of the beauty that is around you, as this too feeds you physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. For now is the time to take action and change those parts of your life that aren't working for you.

Whenever possible celebrate with others, as you create great energy when you are filled with laughter and lightness. Angel wisdom reminds you to celebrate and honour all things great or small within your life, and watch the movement and joy that it creates for you to then manifest more of what you desire. This is creative energy at its finest.
Affirm often: "I celebrate all moments of my life with joy."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Merry Christmas

A special message from Sharon

It is a bit different to share from my heart instead just letting the messages flow with the angel. First I would like to thank you all for reading and feeling the messages that we write each day. For it is for you that we do this service. Secondly, I would like to thank those of you who have offered financial donations towards the cause. My intent has always been to offer wisdom to assist free of charge. That being said, I bare financial costs in putting all of this together as well as time. So, I truly appreciate the gifts of love I receive back. I know that not everyone can afford to help and so I truly appreciate any gifts.

For me, this year has been filled with many gifts and opportunities to love more deeply. Some more fun than others. As most of you in some form or another that I have been working through a work place injury. I have had a very trying year financially as well as physically and therefore emotionally too. If it had not been for my spiritual work with the angels, the programs and the healing I would not still be here on the earth plane. Of this, there is no doubt.  I have lived with physical pain every day, and have therefore gained a greater understanding of chronic pain and hopefully this makes me a better healer. I have learned a great deal about working with a system that needs to be changed. Old energy must change. This has been a real challenge and opportunity to grow. I am not sure why I signed up for this one, however decided I best make the best of it and do my best lol. Therefore at least I won't have to redo it again if I do it completely this time. I am inspired in many different ways that could lead on some very different path than I expected to be on this time out. Great opportunities to grow in several different directions.

As I enter the new year things are definitely shifting and changing.  I have won my appeal with Worksafe BC and hopefully now, as we enter the new year, there is a positive shift happen that has taken it's sweet time. Should be an interesting year of love for us all. I do feel more clearly guided as some things get settle and I understand that it is far from over, however no longer stagnant... and like the hanged man, has freed up some energy to get things moving with less resistance. Ya!

My angel book got a bit delayed in the editing stage and I should have a shipping date in the next few days and where everyone can buy it that doesn't want a presale copy. Thank you so much for your love and support and there is still time to order an autographed copy and/or reading. Love and blessings for your support on this project.

So, merry christmas and here is to a new year filled with peace, love, health and prosperity, love and blessings, Sharon

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Merry Christmas

A special message from the angels

We are very happy and honoured to be called upon to share in this way. To share our love, our support and our strength with you as you share yours with us to in different ways. We are always here and honoured beyond your human understandings and how we earn our 'wings' so to speak. So, thank you for asking. Thank you for inviting us in to be a part of your earth experience. Thank you for letting us in and letting us love you. This is a most important thing and please continue to do so. Thank you.

Open your hearts to each other. Open your hearts to love. This begins by the journey of self discovering that most of you are on. As you expand your understand of your'elf', that one that lives within in and is the authentic you, you naturally open to more love. It is the evolution of humanity at this time. Welcome aboard the love train. For that is truly what this all about. Expanding your abilities to love beyond the physical. To see more than is actually there brings about a higher dimensional compassion that is unconditional love. Loving regardless of the conditions...absolutely regardless! That means Love them anyway. Don't always hear the words they are speaking, feel their hearts. See that they too have seen many experiences and have 'fought the good fight' so to speak, just as you have. And that each of you finds your path based on those experiencing and doing the best you can along the way. That may not be the same as your best, however that no longer matters. It is that you always do your best - which will also change- that is important. As each of you learns to live this, the closer you get to returning to the love beings that you truly are. Be loved, be blessed and feel that from us each day.

Offer peace to your fellow humans along the way. Help where you can. Be of service to your people. Be care takers of the beloved mother and remember to love all things that live upon her. Become to Earth Keepers that is your birthright and part of what is your 'life' purpose for many of you. Learn to take care of the earth first and the animals which share your space. Each of you is vital to the success of the whole. Each of you is vitally connected as you are with the wind, the seas, the water, the land, the minerals, the insects, and those that roam free upon her. Learn to take care of each other as you do the earth for you are all vital part in the circle of life. Remember, what you put upon the earth, so too do you put that within yourself for you are revitalized in so many ways from by the animals, the insects and earth, and she by you. Find the balance in the giving and receiving with your earth and all the others who live upon her. Find that peace and offer it to each other and all that is.

You also have as an important life purpose of communicating with others and through the arts. Each of you in a slightly different way, and also a crucial part of the earths evolution. Each of you has things to offer in a way that one else possesses in quite the same way. And even if it doesn't seem so as you are going through it, each event in your life is so carefully orchestrated through your life time by You, your higher self, your guides and angels. We are all working together to accomplish what you want to experience in this life time. Know that each event that seems insurmountable is the one that offers you the most opportunities for growth and change - evolution- and less resistance to it- is what you came here to experience and it is a grand plan indeed.

Each of you plays a part somehow in communication. Many of you are the teachers and the healers and there is so much variety in all of these categories. Some of you share your energies through the physical arts that transcends with its message, some of you share in physical healing, which then transcends the the physical. Some of you heal with you words, which then transcends the mental... do you get the picture. The end results of all that you share change and help evolve the many in so many different ways. We ask that you follow your hearts passion and develop the faith to believe that all things are possible and miracles happen every day on your beautiful planet. As more of you begin to know this as your truth, your physical surroundings will change to match that vibration and everything will evolve at a faster rate. Share who you are be living and being in your truth at all times. This is the best communication you can share with others. Boast not loudly who you have become, but go in peace,and be the ambassador of love and service and others will follow by your example. That is true evolution.

Be strong dear ones and know that you are never alone. You are stronger than you think and your strength is what assures the desired outcomes for you. Use positive affirmations each morning and throughout the day to keep you on focus and target as you take the steps that lead you where you want to go. This is the key to opening the many doors that are your opportunities of manifestation. Trust your inner wisdom to be your barometer along the way. Trust your own powers to choose and discern what is the best path for you and leave no room for doubt to slow you down. This is a powerful tool - using your words- so choose them wisely in your creations. You are making steady progress - the best kind- for it is in the slow and steady that you win the race.  The race is only you against you, no one else so the pace is entirely of your choosing. Again, choose wisely in where and how you invest your time, money and energy.  Honour those who have helped you along the way and release that which doesn't serve who you are. Set limits for yourself and know that many will demand your time, it is up to you how you use it. And all things can be said kindly and with love. And clearly, we see that make a difference to the world through your thoughts, feelings and actions of love.

Surrender. Give up the need to control every aspect of your journey. Ask your angels to help you resolve any resistance of your ego self. This is the mental energy that needs to be transformed. Let go of the desire for things to be the best and just do your best. Let others be free to do there best and move on. When you surrender to the guidance of your higher self, all the energy you have been using in resistance becomes available to you. Vitality, inner peace, harmony and most of all love, are your spiritual rewards. So, flow with the pace of life. Relax and tune in. Then follow the guidance of your intuition knowing that the angels will be supporting you every step of the way.

Celebrate. We know that not all of you celebrate christmas or a holiday at this time. However you can enjoy the energy that is available to everyone at a time of great love. Remember to feel the love. Those of you who do celebrate Christmas. Remember that it is about love and celebration of new life and potentials for humanity and not a commercial holiday which has become. Let go of the need to buy a gift and remember it is about the gift of you. So give the gift of who you are and be in love and service to all humanity and all that is. That is how you create heaven on earth - The New Earth -

We wish you to feel our love and our blessings which is bestowed upon each one of you this day and everyday of your lives.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Magic

Work your magic

You are a power and magical human. Step into that place of creation that exists within each of you. Nourish yourself so that part of can flourish. Decide clearly where you want to go. Then, let the results of your desires become a feeling of what it will feel like when you get there. Let us orchestrate the hows with you. Ask your angels to be your guides. Next, decide clearly what you will and won't accept as your clarity will bring immediate results and it is important to set healthy boundaries. Have steady faith in a positive outcome.

You have the power to resolve any situation. Tap into your magical abilities, which you've used successfully in the past. Pull these abilities out of storage and use them to work your magic now. Your clear and focused intentions, positive expectations, prayers, decrees, and action steps all create the healings and manifestations you desire.

Study alchemy and manifestation principles, for these Universal Laws will assist you in manifesting your dreams into reality.

Affirm often: "I am powerful and in control of my destiny"

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Love

Allow others to give you loving care

Make a commitment to yourself to take care of you. Deepen this relationship with the many yous. Your angel guidance is to explore all that is within you, that which is a part of you and the total you. All of the aspects that make you who you are. You came to this journey to grow and develop higher dimensional compassion. This journey begins with loving all aspects of yourself and gain a better understanding of who you are becoming. Be gentle and loving with your self though this process. Be open to receive love and support from others. As you become more open and loving with yourself, you automatically attract more love to you.

Reignite a spiritual aspect in all of your relationships. Each relationship you have is with a member of your soul family is therefore a 'soul' mate relationship, treat them as such and watch them bloom and grow in amazing ways. Be open to giving and receiving love in all your relationships and all that you do.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Release

It is time to release the past

It is time to release old memories, ingrained habits and mental patterns which lower your energy and make things seem clouded or even dark at times. We are here helping you heal yourself, then guide others as they go through the same.

Know that you loved and supported. We lend your our courage to make life changes that will help you work on your Divine life purpose. Call upon us to help bring you clarity and joy. You are a beautiful spark of creator light and let no one diminish you. Envision yourself surrounded in a pure white orb. Let your pure spirit emerge and soar.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Adventure

Life is an adventure

Be ready for the unexpected and make the most of all the opportunities that are before you. If you are not sure where the next opportunity is, that is exactly what you are experiencing - more opportunities. Use positive affirmations each day to help open up the doorways of manifestation. Sometimes growth feels uncomfortable, however that is exactly how you know you are growing. If things were to always stay the same, you would not stretch yourself to find more light. Like the trees and the plants growing in the forest, stretching and growing to find the light in order to help them grow.

Your angel guidance is to do something different today and face life with a sense of joy and wonder. Explore  the new possibilities with excitement, anticipation and courage. If your prospects seem dark, ask your angels to light the way. Then watch for the signs and signals that guide you where and how to go. Let your angels inspire you to move forward with expectation and hope. And trust that all your dreams and desires are coming to fruition.

Affirmation: "I eagerly explore the adventures in my life."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Michael

Remember who you Are

You are a powerful, loving, and creative child of the Creator. You are very loved. You are made in the image and likeness of the Creator, so you embody aspects of all those qualities. Your inner Divine light is pure and bright in truth, and no mistakes can undo God's handiwork of true perfection. Don't be afraid of your power, your magnificence, or your wisdom. When you succeed, you inspire others. When you change your life so that it's more aligned with your interests, you inspire others.

Be powerful! Be Magnificent, This is who you are.

Working with Archangel Michael: Michael's name means "He Who is like God," since he emanates the Creator's awesome qualities of love, power, strength, and unwavering faith. When you call upon Michael, your own similar qualities are enhanced and magnified. Ask Michael to enter your dreams and clear away any fears that are blocking you from fully enjoying and living your spiritual gifts and qualities. Michael works especially well with us while we're sleeping, since that's when we are more open-minded and receptive.

*from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Cards,*

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Take Action

You are in touch with your truth

Trust your intuition and assert yourself lovingly. Notice the signs that make you think of something or someone or are repetitious as these are promptings from your guides and angels as well as can yield valuable information that can help you on your quest.

Make a commitment to your visions and project and let no one deter you from that which feels right to you. Nothing is more powerful that focused intention. When you keep your attention and focus on your desires the stream of pure light  and energy that emanates from you is so bright that it can be seen and felt by everyone and everything. This makes for a strong vibration that is your greatest asset. Use positive affirmations to help you keep your focus and that energy strong. Trust that you will succeed and success is assured. Take the action that you are guided without delay.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Co-Create

Use your talents, skills and energy with others

Eliminate power struggles, conflicts and competition and co-create your dreams and desires by combining your strengths together. As a group you can move mountains. Energize each others dreams and desires, just as you call us in to assist. Find like minded individuals who will help you co-create and that you are also willing to co-create with. It doesn't have to be the same dreams and desires, only that you love them enough to create with them. Each of you have your own desires and dreams and ways to get there. Be open to others ideas as well. Co-operate with others, and find the middle ground or leave everyone with a sense of a job well done. As you do your best, others will do there best also. This does not mean that it will be the same as your best, which can change from moment to moment. What we are suggesting is to be open and loving and accepting of those around you. Take with you what works and leave the rest, as it might be just what someone else needs.

Have faith, keep hope in your heart and keep charging ahead. Each step takes you closer to where you want to go. Keep moving. Keep releasing and making way for the new. Your angel guidance is to bring people together and explore how you can mutually assist each other. Have patience and faith, and don't try to force things to happen.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Explore

Explore the amazing world you live in

Take time out of your busy schedule to play, laugh and explore this beautiful place called Earth. There is so much beauty all around you when you take the time to look. Take some away from your usual routine and do something that makes your heart sing. Try something new that you have always wanted to do or try and stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. Enjoy the splendor that is all around you.

Keep your thoughts focused and clear. Joyfully be of service to another in some way and take time to take care of yourself. Envision yourself succeeding in your endevours and dream big. This means don't settle for less than you truly desire. This is the time to set out rocket ships of your desires into the Universe and trust that it will come you way. In the meantime go outside and play.

Affirmation: "I explore the wonders of life. My light is brighter and brighter each day."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Spiritual Growth

This is a time of great growth

Develop your intuition as this skill will serve you well. Trust your inner wisdom and take appropriate action as it feels right. Do not judge yourself too harshly or be hard on yourself for things of the past, for they are just that, things of the past. From these experiences you grow tremendously and that is so very much the point of an earthly journey. If more information is needed for you to be comfortable with your actions, contact someone with expertise in this area or be patient until you feel it is right. Schooling, study, and education about your next steps can be a helpful way to gain the clarity you desire. It helps with your personal and spiritual growth. Ask the angels to help and guide you and we are there.

Trust that the higher forces of life are with you. Ask us to enfold you during this time so that you can easily listen to the promptings of the Divine. Do not rush into anyway project or complete change until you feel the time is right, you are ready and refreshed. New opportunities will always be there and new doors will always be opening as you are ready to walk through them with us by your side, supporting and loving you all the way.

Affirmation: "I listen to my inner wisdom. I feel the love and support of the Universe all around me."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Healing

We bring you health, healing and abundance

We are here to help you feel safe, loved and supported. To help you develop your intuition and inner wisdom, to trust yourself. Ask your angels to lend you courage to make life changes that will help you to work on your life purpose, as major changes bring great blessings that are not always seen at first.

Ask your angels to help you let go of old guilt and remember that you are a most perfect spark of Creator light and let no one diminish you. Releasing the old makes way for the new to enter and this is the perfect time for new adventures. Happy outcomes follow your positive expectations, so dream big and and hold positive thoughts, use positive affirmations and trust that you are deserving of all that you desire.

Affirmation: "I am happy, healthy and abundant in all ways."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Open the flow

Let the flow of prosperity open up for you

You now have the opportunity to connect with the flow of universal abundance, to transform all of your thoughts and desires into tangible form. Tap into your manifesting power by focusing on abundance instead of worrying about having enough money, love or time. The angels wish to remind you that you have nothing to fear. A new flow of prosperity is supporting you now and your prayers have been heard and answered.

Love yourself enough to set healthy boundaries with others and say no to demands on your energy and time that does not match your agenda and use all of that energy to focus on that which you desire. Release projects and people and thoughts that are not focused energy on your desired path.

Affirm often: "I will allow the abundant good of the Universe to manifest through me now; in my mind, body, emotions and activities."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Jesus

Open your Heart to Love
Everything you desire and every prayer that you seek comes as a result of opening your heart to both sending and receiving love. Your heart is the gateway of receptivity. It is the answer to every question you have about your love life, relationships, health, life purpose, and so forth. The more you allow yourself to love, the greater depth and meaning your life holds. Jesus and the other ascended masters will support you in this endeavor, ensuring that you're protected and safe as you open your heart to love. To manifest a soul-mate relationship, heal any fears about giving and receiving love. Forgive those who seem to have hurt you. Be loving yourself. Do energy work to open your heart chakra.

Jesus's message of love and forgiveness was profound and led to many demonstrations of miraculous healings. Jesus helps anyone who calls upon him, regardless of the person's religious or spiritual beliefs. Call upon Jesus for help with healing yourself or others emotionally, physically, or mentally.

*from Doreen Virtues Ascended Masters Deck*

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Abundance

It is time to let your life flow

Prosperity, love and success are available to everyone. Angel wisdom reminds you now to believe in yourself and trust that you deserve more and that there is enough for everyone to have their dreams come true in all aspects of their lives. The more you trust and believe, the more that will be drawn to you.

To feel surrounded by love, open your heart to everyone. To feel more joy, choose to do what fulfills you with satisfaction and success. To enhance your prosperity, receive graciously, give willingly and say thank you for all the riches you already have.  As you do these things, you open the flood gates of manifesting and all that you desire flows easily to you.

Know that you are blessed and great things are coming your way. Take some deep breaths and feel the energy flow over you, engulfing you, bringing you balance and harmony.

Affirmation: "All that I desire easily flows to me. I deserve love, prosperity and success in all that I do."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Focused Intention

Set your intent and keep your focus

When you keep your thoughts, feelings and actions focused one what you desire, it is a stronger force and it will manifest much more quickly in  your life. Take some time to decide what you truly desire, meditating, and gaining the clarity of your intentions and then take the action that you are guided to take. Trust your inner wisdom. Connect with your still, quiet center often and you will have faith in what you are doing. If you are lacking a bit in the trust department, ask your  angels to buoy your faith and release the process to us as this will remove any blocks that slow you down. Keep your focus on the outcome and let us take care of orchestrating the symphony for you. This is our honour and purpose. We are always thrilled to be called upon to help and guide.

Let your new found wisdom show you new and fresh perspectives guide you. See those around you with love and compassion and open you heart fully to the magnificent opportunities that are available to everyone. Release any thoughts of judgement or less than for yourself and others. This is what compassion is all about and as you see the world from the perspective of your angels you gain a greater understanding of the 'good of all'. All things are for the good of all, even if you can't see yet. Focus on what and how you can be of this higher dimensional energy and let others find their own way when they are ready to take the call. Be your beautiful, magnificant, and powerful self and enjoy the outcomes of all that you create.

Affirmation: "I trust my inner wisdom. I see the world and all that is here with love and compassion."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Committment

Persevere towards your vision

Let your every thought, word and deed be directed towards your desired outcome. Focus your energy on creating the earth you have been dreaming about. Keep your energy focused and trust that there are enough of you incarnated at this time who are just as powerful in their intent to create the new Earth that you know within is emerging. Hold steadfast to your ideals, even if those around you say it will never happen. Avoid these people and all other negative energies that are around at this time. Keep your thoughts and feelings focused on the knowing that it will happen. Trust that it will happen. When enough of you hold this vision, it can't help seem that it happened in a blink of an eye, however things seem much slower to those actually going through it.

Use positive affirmations each day to help you keep this focus. Your angel guidance is to take time out from your busy day and take care of yourself as well as time to focus on your affirmations and desires. Open your heart to greater love each day and let your emotions heal. Release any thoughts of anger and unforgiveness from your heart and your mind, as these are blocks that often stand in the way of creating your dreams. Remember to ask your angels for help and know when you dedicate your intention to the highest good, you are supported always.

Affirmation: "I am committed to my vision of a new earth built on love, compassion and support."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Courage

We are with you always

Your angel guidance is to trust that you are supported, loved and safe. We are here to buoy your courage to take on each new day and to assist you on your Divine life purpose. Take a moment, quiet your mind and your heart and feel the love and support that your angels have for you. We are always at your side, just call and we are there. Sometimes it takes courage to just get up in the morning and start again. Sometimes life feels so overwhelming you don't know where to turn. Turn to your core. Turn to that part of you that remembers the love and strength of home. Turn to that part of you that knew you could make it when you signed up for this beautiful life journey. It dwells within you, it dwells within your heart and soul and is still connected to us, the creator and all that is.

Rejuvenate and replenish your strength through your connectedness to nature. It is through nature that you feel the closest to home. If you can't get outside everyday, fill your home with plants and life force energy as this helps to clear the energy around you and within you. Take time to meditate and connected with us and your guides. Clear your chakras and fortify your auric field. These activities will assist you in remaining steadfast and strong during the trying times and make life flow in a much more desired way. Visualize your desires as already manifesting and that each step takes you closer to your dreams.

Affirmation: "I am strong and filled with courage and excitement for this wondrous journey I am on."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Follow your Heart

Let your heart be your guide
Open your heart and let the love flow. Live your dreams. Do something each day that fills you with love. Find ways to incorporate what makes your heart sing in your daily life. Make a date with some friends, do something that brings joy to your group, play, laugh, eat, sing, dance. The list is endless and the opportunities are many. Ask your angels to help you flow this energy into all aspects of your life, bringing you hope and peace and also to those around you. Bless everyone in your life, regardless who they are, with love, peace and hope. 

Bring love into your work, and if you don't really like what you are doing, but it pays the bills, perhaps it is time to start a home based business or do some volunteer work. What every it is follow what feels good and loving to you. Create a bridge of light and let love flow into all that you do. Don't worry about how you can make a living or if there is enough, trust that when you follow your heart all will be taken care of and leave the rest up to us and focus your energy of being in service and following your passion.

Affirmation: "I follow my heart and bring love into all that I do."

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Endings

You are nearing the end of a cycle

Call upon your angels to comfort you, and to gently guide you to your next step. Endings signify new beginnings and a happier future awaits as the new dawns. Your prayers, asking for safety and protection, have been heard and answered. When you ask your angels to watch over you, your loved ones, your home, and your possessions, your prayers are instantly answered. There is no hesitation or delay from your angels, it is done the moment you ask! Know that we are always here to comfort and support you, so that you can focus your energy in meaningful and creative ways, with your mind clear of worries.

Let go of any unforgiveness that you hold in your heart towards yourself and others as you near the end of this cycle, so you can enter the next stage with your heart clear and open. Release any burdens that you carry on your shoulders and surrender them to your angels. We can help you find creative solutions that leave everyone feeling empowered and loved, especially yourself, which is truly our goal.

Angel wisdom reminds you that challenging people and situations are sent your way to help you grow, not as a punishment. These situations are your greatest teachers. Without them, your growth would go much more slowly than you desire. Your guidance is to let go of the hurt, resentment or anger of the past. Love unconditionally and you realize there is no need to forgive. You see the bigger picture and understand the whys in the clear light of love. Love is for giving, so open your heart and give your love. Let love grow and be your guide as the next stage begins.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Yemanya

Golden Opportunity

Important doors are opening for you right now. Walk through them. Like the ocean, life moves in waves and tides. Timing is everything, so when an opportunity presets itself, you must dive in at that moment. Everything that you've done to prepare yourself will accompany you. Yet, if you hesitate or procrastinate, another opportunity will surly come along just as the tides wash in and out continuously. Like the ocean, life is rich with variety and beauty. Enjoy experiencing its various rhythms, and allow all doubts to be washed away.

About Yemanya (pronounced Yeh-MAHN-jah or Yeh-MAHN-jee): She's an African and Brazilian goddess who's credited with creating the sea. Every December 31, people in Brazil celebrate Yemanya by casting white flowers and miniature boats upon the sea waters. You can work with Yemanya by putting a tiny boat into the water and asking her for a wish. If Yemanya grants your wish, her waves will swallow the miniature boat, and she denies the wish, the boat will wash up to shore. Since the sea is the root of Earth life, Yemanya's connection to it make her a very powerful and nurturing mother goddess. She's a protector, supplier, and one who grants wishes.

*From Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards*

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Meditation

Daily meditations will change your life

Meditations offers you so many opportunities to take charge of your journey. It helps to bring you clarity, it will improve your health, brings you peace, balance and harmony; it connects and grounds you with your beautiful Mother Earth. It connects you to your guides and your angels and is a wonderful way to nurture yourself. WE cannot emphasis enough the assistance that a meditation practice will bring into your life.

Connect with the still, quiet place within your heart, for we are always there waiting to talk with you. And from this space of connection your heart opens and expands, allowing you to be more in love with your earth journey. Use affirmations daily to assist in keeping you in that space of love. Affirmations can open the floodgates to your ability to manifest that which you desire and also assist in keeping your focus and clarity along the way.

Affirmation: "I radiate love, light, harmony and compassion from my heart center and connect more easily to this side of myself through meditation."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Hope

Keep hope in your heart

Remember the Universe wants you to have your heart's desires. There is a limitless pool of which to draw from. Take time out today to clearly decide what you truly want. Then send out positive thoughts and words for the changes that you seek, and fulfillment of your dreams. Ask your angels to help you for we are eagerly at your side guiding and assisting you along the way. You are never alone and we await your next request.

Angel wisdom reminds you it is important to only think about what you desire, not what you fear, as you get what you think about whether you want it or not. Look and be guided by the young ones, for they have much to teach. Watch a child learn to walk and see how they don't give up with each fall, they become more determined to reach their goal. It is inspiring. Use that same determination to create in your own life. It is a power tool that will take you as far as you dare to dream. Dream big dear ones. The joy that is created as you realize your dreams is powerful tool that assists others who have yet to develop your courage. It is in this way that you assist the growth and evolution of all humanity.

We are here to catch you if you fall. We are here to hold your hand. We are here to love and help you remember your power as you take each step. Keep hope in your heart and trust that tomorrow is a new day, with fresh new opportunities to live in the light.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Clarity

Clear your mind dear ones

Be still and quiet the voices within, let love flow over you and just be for a moment. We are always with you offering you respite and support from your busy day. This action will help you feel peace and serenity, centered and grounded, and of course loved. Sit quietly so that you can feel the stillness that is within you.

Angel guidance reminds you that you draw to you that which you think about. Therefore, it is so important to be conscious of your thoughts, words and deeds. You have to power to choose them and align them with love, peace, harmony and abundance. We will gladly attune your energies to these higher frequencies. You need only ask and we are there.

Affirmation: "My heart and my mind are quiet, clear and centered in love, peace and harmony."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trustworthy Guidance

You are receiving wonderful ideas and messages

These are the answers to your prayers. Trust your instincts and trust the guidance that brings a sense of joy and love into your heart and soul. This is how you know it is worth following up on, by the feelings you receive and feel when you think about the prospects ahead. You will receive everything that you need. Trust that it will happen and let us take care of the details. You are in charge of the dreams and desire and taking the guided action. We will bring them to you. Notice them, for they are there before you.

Take time out each day to relax, be still and enjoy your solitude. Indulge in some much needed self-care and love. You are beautiful, you are a beloved piece of Creator light. You are needed on the earth plane, even if it doesn't always feel that way. Shine your light. Let us surround you in loving light to lend you strength and courage and know that you are loved beyond measure.

Affirmation: "I receive messages daily that guide me where to go, what to do and I am receiving all the good the Universe has to offer."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Inner Child

Have you taken out your inner child lately

Angel wisdom reminds you that there are two wonderful reasons to do some inner child world. First, is to use that child like energy to play, be in joy and to help you manifest your desires more quickly. Using that energy helps to release and free up your thoughts and your dreams. Day dream regularly on what you desire to create. Bring all the feelings and dimensions of what that will bring into your life. This lets your angels give you inspiration, ideas and actions that will lead you where you want to go.

Second, it is also time to see if what is slowing you down or holding you back from your desired creations is in fact a decision that you made as a child. Oftentimes decisions are made from the perspective of a four year old and it is now time for you to look at those decisions and perhaps assign them with new energy. That child self has done an awesome job at protecting you, however you may no longer need that protection and want to move forward. Your angel guidance is to meditate regularly with that little you and ask if there are decisions that you have made that need some updating. And, invite in your angels to help you light your way.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Article Copyright ©2011 by Sharon Taphorn. All rights reserved.