
I bring to you a message of strength and steadfastness as so many of you gather this week to send energy as the oil spill affects your planet. I am Archangel Ariel and stand behind all those who have the strength and courage to look for alternatives and other solutions that are in a vibration of harmony with your Mother Earth. I bring with me the strength of the lioness, the courage, bravery and focus of this energy.
Open your hearts, and then your minds for this is what is required for true healing to take place in the minds and the hearts of those involved. Look for those with the solutions to have the courage to come forward and that their message be heard.
Work with your brethren of the sea and the wind everyday and ask for their strength and assistance, for they have much to share and teach you, should you choose to listen. Send them messages for help.
Working with Archangel Ariel: Ariel's name means "Lioness of God" and she reflects those qualities. She works closely with earth realm and particularly environmental projects and fish and birds. I am sure her wanting to come forward is because of so much focus on the Gulf oil spill and the work that many groups have planned for the solstice, as this is exactly one of her passions. So Call in her energy during any of your meditations that have to do with assisting in bringing our oceans back to balance and harmony.
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