Sunday, May 16, 2010

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn


"Detach from drama"
Sometimes we are drawn into the upsetting world of the human egos by focusing upon a drama. Although it is nothing more than a story, the drama often attracts more energy and then gets magnified. Don't get pulled into the various plots, twists, turns and characters of the drama's that surround you. Instead, I suggest that you view it as you would a movie, and visualize a resolution and perhaps even a happy ending for all of those involved.

Yes, have compassion for all of those involved, for each party feels they are in truth, remain the objective observer infusing your love and wisdom - when asked, into the energy mix.

*Working with Pallas Athena: Pallas Athena is the Grecian goddess of wisdom who became the patroness of Athens in a contest with the ocean god Poseidon. The term Pallas is one often given to Greek deities, and her more common name is simply Athena. She's a war goddess who uses wisdom instead of weapons to win conflicts. Call upon Pallas Athena for help with any conflict, or any situation calling for wisdom

*from Doreen Virtues Ascended Masters Oracle cards*

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