Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Angel Wisdom


"Look past the seeming errors, mistakes, and misunderstandings, and see only the love within each person (including yourself)."

Your resolute focus upon the love that underlies every situation brings about healing in undreamed-of ways. See yourself, others and every situation through the eyes of your Angels. When you focus on love, anything that's unloving falls away. Look past the personalities and egos of others, and see the angel within them. Forgive, release any hurt, anger or judgment to the Angels.

The Angels remind you that the Universe is abundant in all things. Trust and know that you deserve a treasure chest of everything that you desire to create. It is time for you to find all that is beautiful in your world. Use music that speaks to your soul to assist you in focusing and manifesting that which you desire. And, See Only Love in all things.

you are deeply loved, the Angels

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