Trust your inner knowingness
Act upon this knowledge without delay. Your Angel guidance is to persist, to maintain your purpose in spite of any difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement; continue steadfastly toward your desired goal. Often times one gives up on their dreams right before they are seeing the manifested results of all the hard work they have done.
Remember to hold the visions of your desires. If this is a vision of what someone else wants for you or have you do, and it is not a part of your goals, they chances are that when you consult your inner knowledge, that you will be led down a different path.
What lies in your heart? If it isn't your passion, gently let it go with love, and move on to that which brings you joy, peacefulness and harmony. When you are happy, those who love you will see the light of all that you experience, and the power this creates.
You are dearly loved, the Angels
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condition that the content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.
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