"Your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries, and feel their loving blessings."
Your loved ones aren't far away; they're quite near.In your quiet moments, you can feel their presence. These really are true visitations, and I ask you to trust your intuition. You may notice dream visits from deceased loved ones. Know that your loved ones are happy, free of all suffering, and want the same for you. Your loved ones want to work with your guardian Angels to help you be peaceful, so watch for other signs from Heaven.
Working with Archangel Azrael: Azrael is known as 'The Angel of Death' since his primary role is to help people cross over to Heaven at the time of their physical death. Far from being a morbid role, Azrael surrounds the newly crossed-over soul with loving light to make the experience uplifting and comforting. Azrael helps deceased loved ones make contact with their living family members and friends. You can ask Azrael to bring you a message or dream visitation from your loved ones in heaven.
Azrael can also assist you in helping the loved ones who stay here with the transition.
Love Azrael and the escort Angels
Each Day I am guided to share a message from the Angels & Masters to assist each of us on this journey called the human experience. If you would like to receive the Angel's in your Inbox, sign up at my home page
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
angel cards,
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Saturday, May 30, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Fun and play is the Angels' way! They guide you to add fun to your life, and to know that fun is a necessity, not a luxury."
The Angels know that you have a lot of responsibilities and that you need a steady flow of time, money , and other resources. The Angels want you to know that regular doses of fun can help you accomplish your goals. You may protest that you don't have enough time, money, or energy to play. Yet, your Angels assure you that playfulness is a wonderful investment that yields immediate results.
When you have fun and laugh, you relax. This relaxation gives you a greater inflow of ideas, spiritual connections, Divine guidance, and energy. With the new inspirations and energy, you can better manifest your desires. Your relaxed and radiant personality attracts wonderful and helpful people to you. Your positive outlook creates new opportunities for you. When you look at life in this way, you can't afford not to have fun.
Go play!
with love, The Angels
"Fun and play is the Angels' way! They guide you to add fun to your life, and to know that fun is a necessity, not a luxury."
The Angels know that you have a lot of responsibilities and that you need a steady flow of time, money , and other resources. The Angels want you to know that regular doses of fun can help you accomplish your goals. You may protest that you don't have enough time, money, or energy to play. Yet, your Angels assure you that playfulness is a wonderful investment that yields immediate results.
When you have fun and laugh, you relax. This relaxation gives you a greater inflow of ideas, spiritual connections, Divine guidance, and energy. With the new inspirations and energy, you can better manifest your desires. Your relaxed and radiant personality attracts wonderful and helpful people to you. Your positive outlook creates new opportunities for you. When you look at life in this way, you can't afford not to have fun.
Go play!
with love, The Angels
angel cards,
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Friday, May 29, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"You now have the opportunity to write the script according to your heart's true desires. Once you clearly decide upon your true desires and know that you're ready and deserving of them, They'll rush into your life as if by magic."
The Angels have given us this message because many of us have been waiting for external singes of what to do next. The Angels say that the answers comes from inside of you. You must decide what you want before anything can change. Carve out time to meditate upon your heart's true desires and know that you deserve the best, as we all do.
Use affirmations and positive visualizations to manifest your desire.
Clarify your desires.
Release any guilt or fear regarding asking for what you want.
with love...the Angels
"You now have the opportunity to write the script according to your heart's true desires. Once you clearly decide upon your true desires and know that you're ready and deserving of them, They'll rush into your life as if by magic."
The Angels have given us this message because many of us have been waiting for external singes of what to do next. The Angels say that the answers comes from inside of you. You must decide what you want before anything can change. Carve out time to meditate upon your heart's true desires and know that you deserve the best, as we all do.
Use affirmations and positive visualizations to manifest your desire.
Clarify your desires.
Release any guilt or fear regarding asking for what you want.
with love...the Angels
angel cards,
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Thursday, May 28, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"It's time to let go of the old and worn out so that the new can come in."
The Angels want you to know that in order to make room for the new, we must let go of the old. First, let go emotionally and mentally. In other words, 'quit' or 'say good-bye' in your mind and heart.
Once you do this, the physical letting-go will happen naturally, in a peaceful and harmonious way. Ask the Angels to help you make this transitions, and don't plan, scheme, or worry about how your letting go (or replacement) will occur. Put all of your energy into prayer, meditation and trust, and leave the rest up to Infinite Spirit. You'll get definite guidance whenever it's the right moment to take action. Until then, stay lovingly detached from your old situation.
with love, your Angels
"It's time to let go of the old and worn out so that the new can come in."
The Angels want you to know that in order to make room for the new, we must let go of the old. First, let go emotionally and mentally. In other words, 'quit' or 'say good-bye' in your mind and heart.
Once you do this, the physical letting-go will happen naturally, in a peaceful and harmonious way. Ask the Angels to help you make this transitions, and don't plan, scheme, or worry about how your letting go (or replacement) will occur. Put all of your energy into prayer, meditation and trust, and leave the rest up to Infinite Spirit. You'll get definite guidance whenever it's the right moment to take action. Until then, stay lovingly detached from your old situation.
with love, your Angels
angel cards,
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Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"The Angels of AA Michael are protecting you against lower energies, and guarding you, your loved ones and home."
Let go of any worries, as Archangel Michael and his league of Angels are surrounding you, your loved ones, your home, and possessions with powerful loving light. This light repels lower energies, and attracts loving experiences. Focus on this light and love --instead of on fear-as you'll attract the object of your focus. With your mind free of fear, you have additional time and energy to devote to your life's missions. You are free when you are fearless. Know that you are safe at all times and that our protection is flawless.
with love, your protection Angels
"The Angels of AA Michael are protecting you against lower energies, and guarding you, your loved ones and home."
Let go of any worries, as Archangel Michael and his league of Angels are surrounding you, your loved ones, your home, and possessions with powerful loving light. This light repels lower energies, and attracts loving experiences. Focus on this light and love --instead of on fear-as you'll attract the object of your focus. With your mind free of fear, you have additional time and energy to devote to your life's missions. You are free when you are fearless. Know that you are safe at all times and that our protection is flawless.
with love, your protection Angels
angel cards,
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Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Love is the heart of the matter. Your heart is the center within your physical being attuned most to love."
It is safe for you to love and be loved with an open heart, as we stand by with perfect protection and guidance. The Angels want you to know the answer rests within your heart. The more that you open your heart, the more love, joy, and peace you'll feel. You can open your heart Chakra asking the Angels to send their healing energy, by visualizing your heart surrounded by pink light, by inhaling the fragrance of pink roses, by holding or wearing rose quartz crystals, and by focusing on love.
Send light and love to your heart charka.
Take very good care of your cardiovascular health through exercise and healthy eating.
with love, the Angels
"Love is the heart of the matter. Your heart is the center within your physical being attuned most to love."
It is safe for you to love and be loved with an open heart, as we stand by with perfect protection and guidance. The Angels want you to know the answer rests within your heart. The more that you open your heart, the more love, joy, and peace you'll feel. You can open your heart Chakra asking the Angels to send their healing energy, by visualizing your heart surrounded by pink light, by inhaling the fragrance of pink roses, by holding or wearing rose quartz crystals, and by focusing on love.
Send light and love to your heart charka.
Take very good care of your cardiovascular health through exercise and healthy eating.
with love, the Angels
angel cards,
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Monday, May 25, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"A situation that has caused you concern is on the mend. You are a natural healer,and your healing thoughts have manifested into form."
Sometimes a situation cannot heal until you release the challenge completely - so that healing light can enter it. Your worries will soon be over, because a healing has occurred. To realize this healing, however, you must first stop focusing on 'what is wrong' and instead affirm: Everything is in Divine and perfect order right now."
You have natural healing abilities, and trust that the Creator works through you as an Earth Angel. Hold thoughts of love around any situation that seems to need healing. Visualize the situation as healed right now. Then, give thanks for this healing, and completely release everything to the Angels. The powerful effects of your healing work touch many lives.
love the Angels
"A situation that has caused you concern is on the mend. You are a natural healer,and your healing thoughts have manifested into form."
Sometimes a situation cannot heal until you release the challenge completely - so that healing light can enter it. Your worries will soon be over, because a healing has occurred. To realize this healing, however, you must first stop focusing on 'what is wrong' and instead affirm: Everything is in Divine and perfect order right now."
You have natural healing abilities, and trust that the Creator works through you as an Earth Angel. Hold thoughts of love around any situation that seems to need healing. Visualize the situation as healed right now. Then, give thanks for this healing, and completely release everything to the Angels. The powerful effects of your healing work touch many lives.
love the Angels
angel cards,
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Sunday, May 24, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance."
Your life purpose involves counseling people in ways that uplift, motivate, comfort, heal, and inspire. You're a true spiritual counselor, and people find you to be a trustworthy confidante. Expand your counseling world to the next level, because you're about to help greater numbers of people. Call upon me for guidance and support.
Working with Archangel Azrael:
Azrael's name means "Whom God Helps", and he helps those who are helpers. He's particularly interested in helping counselors who work with the grieving or dying. Ask Azrael to guide your worlds and actions during counseling sessions, and he'll help you remain patient and compassionate. He can also help you enter the counseling profession and guide you toward schooling, internships, and a wonderful counseling practice.
my deepest gratitude and love for all that you do, Archangel Azrael
"You are a natural counselor, and many people benefit from your guidance and reassurance."
Your life purpose involves counseling people in ways that uplift, motivate, comfort, heal, and inspire. You're a true spiritual counselor, and people find you to be a trustworthy confidante. Expand your counseling world to the next level, because you're about to help greater numbers of people. Call upon me for guidance and support.
Working with Archangel Azrael:
Azrael's name means "Whom God Helps", and he helps those who are helpers. He's particularly interested in helping counselors who work with the grieving or dying. Ask Azrael to guide your worlds and actions during counseling sessions, and he'll help you remain patient and compassionate. He can also help you enter the counseling profession and guide you toward schooling, internships, and a wonderful counseling practice.
my deepest gratitude and love for all that you do, Archangel Azrael
angel cards,
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Saturday, May 23, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Pay attention to doors that are opening and shutting. Walk through the doors that are open, and learn from the doors that shut."
Everything operates according to the Universal Laws of Divine Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation.
Don't try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your Angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or if it's simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with trust and gratitude.
with love, The Angels
"Pay attention to doors that are opening and shutting. Walk through the doors that are open, and learn from the doors that shut."
Everything operates according to the Universal Laws of Divine Timing. This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition. If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation.
Don't try to force open any doors that appear closed to you. Instead, ask your Angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or if it's simply a sign of Divine Timing. Look for other doors that do open, and walk through them with trust and gratitude.
with love, The Angels
angel cards,
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Friday, May 22, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Believe in yourself and trust that the Creator and the Angels are with you. Ask us to help you lose any fears that block you from enjoying full trust."
Your Angels know that you've been disappointed in the past. These experiences may have eroded your faith in yourself, other people, or even the Angels and the Creator. However, the Angels remind you of the importance of holding on to your faith.
The Angels emphasis the value of self-trust. They now that you, like everyone, have made what you think are mistakes in the past. However, these mistakes have not eroded your true nature. You still have omnipresent Creator energy within you. The Angels ask you to Trust in the Creator, to Trust in them. They will help you trust yourself.
Affirm: I am fully connected with my source and can trust myself.
With Love, the Angels
"Believe in yourself and trust that the Creator and the Angels are with you. Ask us to help you lose any fears that block you from enjoying full trust."
Your Angels know that you've been disappointed in the past. These experiences may have eroded your faith in yourself, other people, or even the Angels and the Creator. However, the Angels remind you of the importance of holding on to your faith.
The Angels emphasis the value of self-trust. They now that you, like everyone, have made what you think are mistakes in the past. However, these mistakes have not eroded your true nature. You still have omnipresent Creator energy within you. The Angels ask you to Trust in the Creator, to Trust in them. They will help you trust yourself.
Affirm: I am fully connected with my source and can trust myself.
With Love, the Angels
angel cards,
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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"The Angels are addressing, and assisting you with your romantic needs. Ask for and accept the Angels help with your love life."
Romance is part of experiencing the human journey. The Angels can will work with you to manifest, maintain or elevate the romance you seek in your life. The Angels will guide you in specific ways to ensure that they grant your wish. For instance, you may get a strong urge to drive to a certain place, and you might meet a wonderful partner when you arrive at that destination.The Angels guidance may ask you to engage in self-improvement activities such as exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self-help seminars. Follow this guidance and you will discover the romance you are seeking. In the meantime, do special things for yourself that make you feel loved and cherished. Focusing your attention on those things will bring more of the same into your life.
with love, the Angels
"The Angels are addressing, and assisting you with your romantic needs. Ask for and accept the Angels help with your love life."
Romance is part of experiencing the human journey. The Angels can will work with you to manifest, maintain or elevate the romance you seek in your life. The Angels will guide you in specific ways to ensure that they grant your wish. For instance, you may get a strong urge to drive to a certain place, and you might meet a wonderful partner when you arrive at that destination.The Angels guidance may ask you to engage in self-improvement activities such as exercise classes, nutritional practices, or self-help seminars. Follow this guidance and you will discover the romance you are seeking. In the meantime, do special things for yourself that make you feel loved and cherished. Focusing your attention on those things will bring more of the same into your life.
with love, the Angels
angel cards,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Your primary relationship is with yourself and your source, and every other relationship follows from there. "
To attract, heal, or balance a relationship, then snuggle more closely with your loving creator and yourself. As you feel safe and loved within, so shall your other relationships bloom and prosper.
Now is the time to enter a more positive phase in your relationships. You're now out of the forest and entering an area filled with light and beauty, just hang on a little longer and keep working on loving yourself more and more each day.
Affirm daily: "I am fully connected with my inner being and am surround by positive loving relationships."
we love you, your Angels
"Your primary relationship is with yourself and your source, and every other relationship follows from there. "
To attract, heal, or balance a relationship, then snuggle more closely with your loving creator and yourself. As you feel safe and loved within, so shall your other relationships bloom and prosper.
Now is the time to enter a more positive phase in your relationships. You're now out of the forest and entering an area filled with light and beauty, just hang on a little longer and keep working on loving yourself more and more each day.
Affirm daily: "I am fully connected with my inner being and am surround by positive loving relationships."
we love you, your Angels
angel cards,
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing, or play music."
Music is a powerful ally on your spiritual path, as it serves to boost your manifestation powers. Music is part of the invisible realm, and is of a higher frequency than that of a the physical plane. It wraps us in a protective shield to guard us from negative energies. It also lifts our emotions and thoughts to joyful levels.
The Angels urge you to play any type of music that suits your mood, as often as possible. Move your body to the music, and breathe in deeply as you listen to it, drawing in the energy of each note.
Use music as a manifestation tool. First, sit quietly and think of your desire. Imagine that your dream has already come true, and feel that reality in your stomach as warmth, peace, excitement, or security. Feel gratitude in your heart. As you enjoy these feelings, begin to chant, hum or sing. This self-made music sends your manifestation into the ethers, where it coagulates into tangible reality!
with love, The Angels
"To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing, or play music."
Music is a powerful ally on your spiritual path, as it serves to boost your manifestation powers. Music is part of the invisible realm, and is of a higher frequency than that of a the physical plane. It wraps us in a protective shield to guard us from negative energies. It also lifts our emotions and thoughts to joyful levels.
The Angels urge you to play any type of music that suits your mood, as often as possible. Move your body to the music, and breathe in deeply as you listen to it, drawing in the energy of each note.
Use music as a manifestation tool. First, sit quietly and think of your desire. Imagine that your dream has already come true, and feel that reality in your stomach as warmth, peace, excitement, or security. Feel gratitude in your heart. As you enjoy these feelings, begin to chant, hum or sing. This self-made music sends your manifestation into the ethers, where it coagulates into tangible reality!
with love, The Angels
angel cards,
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Monday, May 18, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"The Creator, the Angels, and the Ascended Masters who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now.You are not alone, and you are safe."
The Angels reassure you that you are part of an awesome and powerful team of benevolent beings.They surround, guide, and love you always. If you are in danger, they will intervene with warnings or lifesaving measures. If you are afraid, they will comfort you with the energy of Divine love. If you are confused, they will whisper guidance in your ear.
Your Angels and Guides ask you to talk to them more frequently. Have mental conversations with them about everything, and you will soon see evidence of their existence. Soon, the Angels will enlist you to help other people. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the Angels to help you release these fears.
love your Angels
"The Creator, the Angels, and the Ascended Masters who love, protect, and guide you are watching over you right now.You are not alone, and you are safe."
The Angels reassure you that you are part of an awesome and powerful team of benevolent beings.They surround, guide, and love you always. If you are in danger, they will intervene with warnings or lifesaving measures. If you are afraid, they will comfort you with the energy of Divine love. If you are confused, they will whisper guidance in your ear.
Your Angels and Guides ask you to talk to them more frequently. Have mental conversations with them about everything, and you will soon see evidence of their existence. Soon, the Angels will enlist you to help other people. If you ever feel doubtful about your ability to help others, ask the Angels to help you release these fears.
love your Angels
angel cards,
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Sunday, May 17, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Get rid of clutter, clear the energy around you, and use feng shui."
Your home and work environments affect you on many levels. Clutter can erode your energy, creativity, and prosperity. I'll help you find the time and motivation to clear interferences from your physical environment. Together we will release anything that's not serving you. We'll donate, recycle, or discard unused items. We'll open the windows to circulate fresh air in the rooms. And I'll escort lower energies away. You'll notice huge improvements in all areas of your life as a result of this endeavour.
Working with Archangel Jophiel: Johiel's aura is deep rose pink, signifying her beautiful, loving, and caring nature. Dark pink crystals, such as pink rubellite, are associated with Jophiel's energy. Anytime you're involved with redecorating or spring cleaning, call upon Jophiel to help you. It's like having your own spiritual interior decorator and feng shui consultant!
Call upon me to be your loving assistant...Jophiel
"Get rid of clutter, clear the energy around you, and use feng shui."
Your home and work environments affect you on many levels. Clutter can erode your energy, creativity, and prosperity. I'll help you find the time and motivation to clear interferences from your physical environment. Together we will release anything that's not serving you. We'll donate, recycle, or discard unused items. We'll open the windows to circulate fresh air in the rooms. And I'll escort lower energies away. You'll notice huge improvements in all areas of your life as a result of this endeavour.
Working with Archangel Jophiel: Johiel's aura is deep rose pink, signifying her beautiful, loving, and caring nature. Dark pink crystals, such as pink rubellite, are associated with Jophiel's energy. Anytime you're involved with redecorating or spring cleaning, call upon Jophiel to help you. It's like having your own spiritual interior decorator and feng shui consultant!
Call upon me to be your loving assistant...Jophiel
angel cards,
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"It's important to only think about what you desire, not what you fear."
Now is the time to monitor your thoughts. You have no neutral thoughts, and every one of them crates an effect in your life. So you're being asked to be vigilant in holding only positive thoughts.
Most of us slip into negativity occasionally, and you may be no exception. However, you can 'undo' the effects of negative thoughts by recognizing them and stating "I now cancel that thought, and replace it with the following positive affirmation of my true desires." Then list the situations and attributes that mirror your godliness and goddessliness. During this important part of your life, you have the power to manifest your highest potential at the most rapid rate possible.
Affirm daily: I AM _________________!
more light.... Whatever it is you want to create in your life.
we love you...your Angels
"It's important to only think about what you desire, not what you fear."
Now is the time to monitor your thoughts. You have no neutral thoughts, and every one of them crates an effect in your life. So you're being asked to be vigilant in holding only positive thoughts.
Most of us slip into negativity occasionally, and you may be no exception. However, you can 'undo' the effects of negative thoughts by recognizing them and stating "I now cancel that thought, and replace it with the following positive affirmation of my true desires." Then list the situations and attributes that mirror your godliness and goddessliness. During this important part of your life, you have the power to manifest your highest potential at the most rapid rate possible.
Affirm daily: I AM _________________!
more light.... Whatever it is you want to create in your life.
we love you...your Angels
angel cards,
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Friday, May 15, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"You are extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honour yourself and your feelings."
Sensitivity is a beautiful and powerful gift, and there's no such thing as being 'too sensitive'. Your sensitivity helps you know the truth about situations and people, and it's important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions, and impressions. Spend some time alone in nature to further develop your sensitivity . Avoid harsh situations and chemicals. At home or at work, ask your Angels to help you choose life-affirming foods, beverages, companions, and activities. Know that i's safe for you to feel deep emotions, as they're a part of your sensitivity. Visualize the two of us sealed in beautiful bluish-white light. This light dissolves any lower energies, transmuting them into love. The light also helps you distinguish between your own feelings and those of other people.
you are dearly loved, your Angels
"You are extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honour yourself and your feelings."
Sensitivity is a beautiful and powerful gift, and there's no such thing as being 'too sensitive'. Your sensitivity helps you know the truth about situations and people, and it's important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions, and impressions. Spend some time alone in nature to further develop your sensitivity . Avoid harsh situations and chemicals. At home or at work, ask your Angels to help you choose life-affirming foods, beverages, companions, and activities. Know that i's safe for you to feel deep emotions, as they're a part of your sensitivity. Visualize the two of us sealed in beautiful bluish-white light. This light dissolves any lower energies, transmuting them into love. The light also helps you distinguish between your own feelings and those of other people.
you are dearly loved, your Angels
angel cards,
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Thursday, May 14, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Be clear about what you desire, and focus upon it with unwavering faith."
After praying for guidance, be bold enough to admit what you truly desire. Know that you (along with everyone else) deserve the best of everything, in all ways. Prosperity and abundance are the Angels wishes for everyone. You stake your claim on your share of the inheritance by forming a clear mental picture of your desires. Don't worry how the desire will manifest - the infinite creativity of the Creator will bring it to you in very clever ways. Simply follow any inner guidance to take steps to co-create this Divine desire, and allow yourself to receive good as it comes your way.
With love, the Angels
"Be clear about what you desire, and focus upon it with unwavering faith."
After praying for guidance, be bold enough to admit what you truly desire. Know that you (along with everyone else) deserve the best of everything, in all ways. Prosperity and abundance are the Angels wishes for everyone. You stake your claim on your share of the inheritance by forming a clear mental picture of your desires. Don't worry how the desire will manifest - the infinite creativity of the Creator will bring it to you in very clever ways. Simply follow any inner guidance to take steps to co-create this Divine desire, and allow yourself to receive good as it comes your way.
With love, the Angels
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Now is the perfect moment for you to act on your inspirations. The doors are open, while you walk through them with us by your side. Don't delay or procrastinate, as all of the ingredients are ripe for your success. Everything and everyone is on your side, supporting your positive outcome."
The Angels say that now is the perfect time to act. Your Angels will guide you along the way.Sometimes it's not so important how we approach a situation, but that we put energy, action and intentions into manifesting what we desire. Once we take the first step in the direction of our desired outcome, the universe then gives us additional help.
Take action now.
The situation will work out well regardless.
Make a decision.
Any blocks in the past were because the timing wasn't yet right.
Love your Angels
"Now is the perfect moment for you to act on your inspirations. The doors are open, while you walk through them with us by your side. Don't delay or procrastinate, as all of the ingredients are ripe for your success. Everything and everyone is on your side, supporting your positive outcome."
The Angels say that now is the perfect time to act. Your Angels will guide you along the way.Sometimes it's not so important how we approach a situation, but that we put energy, action and intentions into manifesting what we desire. Once we take the first step in the direction of our desired outcome, the universe then gives us additional help.
Take action now.
The situation will work out well regardless.
Make a decision.
Any blocks in the past were because the timing wasn't yet right.
Love your Angels
angel cards,
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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"The Angels are helping you right now. Continue to ask for their help, and then accept it when it comes."
The Angels want you to know that you have extra blessings around you right now. Perhaps you have recently experienced some challenges, or maybe you are currently asking for extra help. Either way, the Angels surround you now with more Diving Love than ever. Additional Angels are with you, giving you an added cushion of love and light.
Sometimes you may feel as if the Angels have abandoned you, This is not the case, we are not gone and we could never leave you. It is only your fear that makes you blind and mute to the presence of your Angels. Yet your Angels can lift away your fears if you will ask and then let them. You are truly blessed and very very loved by God and the Angels.
You are dearly loved, your Angels
"The Angels are helping you right now. Continue to ask for their help, and then accept it when it comes."
The Angels want you to know that you have extra blessings around you right now. Perhaps you have recently experienced some challenges, or maybe you are currently asking for extra help. Either way, the Angels surround you now with more Diving Love than ever. Additional Angels are with you, giving you an added cushion of love and light.
Sometimes you may feel as if the Angels have abandoned you, This is not the case, we are not gone and we could never leave you. It is only your fear that makes you blind and mute to the presence of your Angels. Yet your Angels can lift away your fears if you will ask and then let them. You are truly blessed and very very loved by God and the Angels.
You are dearly loved, your Angels
angel cards,
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Monday, May 11, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"We acknowledge you for the progress you've made in remembering love in your daily activities. WE can clearly see the contribution you're making in the world through your thoughts, feelings, and actions of love."
You are making steady progress. Sometimes you may feel you should be farther on your path by now. Yet look how far you've come, how many lessons you've learned, and how many people you've helped! Focus on your progress, instead of expecting perfection from yourself. Each day, take at least one small action step concerning a progress that you're passionate about.
You're on the right path, even if it feels that you're moving slowly.
Praise the light instead of curse the darkness.
Appreciate yourself, you are beautiful.
we love you, the Angels
"We acknowledge you for the progress you've made in remembering love in your daily activities. WE can clearly see the contribution you're making in the world through your thoughts, feelings, and actions of love."
You are making steady progress. Sometimes you may feel you should be farther on your path by now. Yet look how far you've come, how many lessons you've learned, and how many people you've helped! Focus on your progress, instead of expecting perfection from yourself. Each day, take at least one small action step concerning a progress that you're passionate about.
You're on the right path, even if it feels that you're moving slowly.
Praise the light instead of curse the darkness.
Appreciate yourself, you are beautiful.
we love you, the Angels
angel cards,
card of the day,
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Call upon me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes."
Metatron uses sacred geometry shapes to clear and align the chakra energy centers in our bodies. Mentally ask Metatron to open your chakras, and he'll gently send his "Metatron cube" (the symbol he is holding in the picture) through your crown chakra at the top of your head. The cube rotates downward, clearing psychic toxins from your body and chakras. When your chakras are clear, you'll feel more energized and have increased intuition.
Working with Archangel Metatron:
Metatron's Aura is a beautiful violet and sea foam-green stripes. The crystal aligned with Metatron's energy is watermelon tourmaline. He also works with Indigo/Crystal children, he loves to help adults help these children. If you need more time, money, ideas, contracts, or other support for working with these children, call upon Metatron. He'll help you manifest your needs so you can focus on the children.
with love, Archangel Metatron
"Call upon me to clear and open your chakras, using sacred geometric shapes."
Metatron uses sacred geometry shapes to clear and align the chakra energy centers in our bodies. Mentally ask Metatron to open your chakras, and he'll gently send his "Metatron cube" (the symbol he is holding in the picture) through your crown chakra at the top of your head. The cube rotates downward, clearing psychic toxins from your body and chakras. When your chakras are clear, you'll feel more energized and have increased intuition.
Working with Archangel Metatron:
Metatron's Aura is a beautiful violet and sea foam-green stripes. The crystal aligned with Metatron's energy is watermelon tourmaline. He also works with Indigo/Crystal children, he loves to help adults help these children. If you need more time, money, ideas, contracts, or other support for working with these children, call upon Metatron. He'll help you manifest your needs so you can focus on the children.
with love, Archangel Metatron
angel cards,
card of the day,
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Fear Not beloved one, your prayers have been heard and are being answered."
Your prayers are always being answered. Sometimes you may not feel this way, because the answer comes in unexpected ways. Perhaps you receive an intuitive feeling or a new opportunity appears-or a book falls off the shelf. The Angels answer our prayers very often by giving us ideas or information in these everyday ways.
The Angels request that you be extra observant. Notice everything that you hear, say, think, and feel. Be especially alert to help that comes to you, and be sure to accept that help. You do deserve this assistance, and many times God enlists people to act as Earth Angels who bring you answers to your prayers.
love the Angels
"Fear Not beloved one, your prayers have been heard and are being answered."
Your prayers are always being answered. Sometimes you may not feel this way, because the answer comes in unexpected ways. Perhaps you receive an intuitive feeling or a new opportunity appears-or a book falls off the shelf. The Angels answer our prayers very often by giving us ideas or information in these everyday ways.
The Angels request that you be extra observant. Notice everything that you hear, say, think, and feel. Be especially alert to help that comes to you, and be sure to accept that help. You do deserve this assistance, and many times God enlists people to act as Earth Angels who bring you answers to your prayers.
love the Angels
angel cards,
card of the day,
Friday, May 8, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"You're more powerful than you realize. It's safe for you to be powerful!"
Your inner power wants to surface. You'll use this power appropriately, and you're incapable of abusing it. Your true friends, and the people who really love you, will be happy that you've taken your power back.
Empowerment means that you're no longer wiling to see yourself as a victim in any way. It means letting go of all blame with respect to other people, past conditions, or present circumstances. Know that you can be powerful and gentle simultaneously-and still very effective.
Affirm frequently: "It's safe for me to be powerful! I accept my God-given power to be used in the service of light and love."
Then enjoy the shifts you see around around you. Instead of worrying what others think about you, use your power to make others think about you, use your power to make the world a better place. You may never feel self-conscious again!
Love and Light, your Angels
"You're more powerful than you realize. It's safe for you to be powerful!"
Your inner power wants to surface. You'll use this power appropriately, and you're incapable of abusing it. Your true friends, and the people who really love you, will be happy that you've taken your power back.
Empowerment means that you're no longer wiling to see yourself as a victim in any way. It means letting go of all blame with respect to other people, past conditions, or present circumstances. Know that you can be powerful and gentle simultaneously-and still very effective.
Affirm frequently: "It's safe for me to be powerful! I accept my God-given power to be used in the service of light and love."
Then enjoy the shifts you see around around you. Instead of worrying what others think about you, use your power to make others think about you, use your power to make the world a better place. You may never feel self-conscious again!
Love and Light, your Angels
angel cards,
card of the day,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"Soften your heart with respect to all the situations that require it. Feel compassion for all the people involved, including yourself."
The Angels want to assist you in forgiving yourself and others or to compassionately see everyone's point of view. You needn't change your stance or behaviour. It simply means approaching the situation with a loving heart, which empowers you and allows creative solutions to pour forth.
Emotional healing occurs in miraculous ways...
Affirm: "My heart is open and filled with love for all things and situations, regardless of how they appear".
with love, your Angels
*ps. there are seven dolphins in the picture... can you find them all?
"Soften your heart with respect to all the situations that require it. Feel compassion for all the people involved, including yourself."
The Angels want to assist you in forgiving yourself and others or to compassionately see everyone's point of view. You needn't change your stance or behaviour. It simply means approaching the situation with a loving heart, which empowers you and allows creative solutions to pour forth.
Emotional healing occurs in miraculous ways...
Affirm: "My heart is open and filled with love for all things and situations, regardless of how they appear".
with love, your Angels
*ps. there are seven dolphins in the picture... can you find them all?
angel cards,
card of the day,
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"You will more easily hear and receive our messages if you daydream regularly. Relax and open your mind to receiving, without directing your thoughts. Just notice any feelings, visions, or ideas as if you were watching a movie. This is the seat of creativity."
The Angels wish you to be open and receptive to new ideas. It's important for you to engage in daydreaming now as a way to receive inspiration and wonderful ideas. Don't try to make anything happen. Just follow the trail of your thoughts naturally, as they flow into new ways of looking at things. Write your ideas in a special journal and ask your angels for guidance on which action steps to take to enact these dreams. Take action without delay where you're guided.
Be open to new possibilities.
Allow yourself to dream big.
Give yourself permission to relax and let go.
Try something new that you've always wanted to do. Brainstorm with yourself or others for new ideas.
see you in your daydreams...the Angels
"You will more easily hear and receive our messages if you daydream regularly. Relax and open your mind to receiving, without directing your thoughts. Just notice any feelings, visions, or ideas as if you were watching a movie. This is the seat of creativity."
The Angels wish you to be open and receptive to new ideas. It's important for you to engage in daydreaming now as a way to receive inspiration and wonderful ideas. Don't try to make anything happen. Just follow the trail of your thoughts naturally, as they flow into new ways of looking at things. Write your ideas in a special journal and ask your angels for guidance on which action steps to take to enact these dreams. Take action without delay where you're guided.
Be open to new possibilities.
Allow yourself to dream big.
Give yourself permission to relax and let go.
Try something new that you've always wanted to do. Brainstorm with yourself or others for new ideas.
see you in your daydreams...the Angels
angel cards,
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"A clean slate is presented to you as you now encounter fresh opportunities and new experiences."
Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people, and projects. The angels know that change can be frightening, and they surround you now with loving energy. Call upon us whenever you feel afraid of facing new situations. We will boost your confidence and energy so that you can enjoy your new beginnings.
Sometimes we cling to old routines because they are familiar. The Angels ask you to be open to new approaches to life. Perhaps we can share a new way of looking at situations. Or maybe we will call on you to learn a new skill. Whatever the new beginning is for you, allow yourself to be stretched by the fresh circumstances. We learn about ourselves through new experiences.
Affirm: "I am open receiving new and joyous opportunities into my life".
we love you and are here for you, the Angels
"A clean slate is presented to you as you now encounter fresh opportunities and new experiences."
Embrace the new in your life, including new opportunities, people, and projects. The angels know that change can be frightening, and they surround you now with loving energy. Call upon us whenever you feel afraid of facing new situations. We will boost your confidence and energy so that you can enjoy your new beginnings.
Sometimes we cling to old routines because they are familiar. The Angels ask you to be open to new approaches to life. Perhaps we can share a new way of looking at situations. Or maybe we will call on you to learn a new skill. Whatever the new beginning is for you, allow yourself to be stretched by the fresh circumstances. We learn about ourselves through new experiences.
Affirm: "I am open receiving new and joyous opportunities into my life".
we love you and are here for you, the Angels
angel cards,
card of the day,
Monday, May 4, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"It's time to look at other possibilities. It's a good time to make changes."
Sometimes we thing, This is the way it is, and we don't see other options. The Angels ask you to question any situation that you think can't be changed.
Take a moment and pretend that a magical mermaid has granted you three wishes. You can have anything you want! What will you wish for? The truth is that most anything you desire is possible, explore your options. At first, you might do so mentally-through daydreams and nighttime dreams.
Then it's important to turn those possibilities into realities by breaking them into small goals that you can accomplish today. When you explore new opportunities, the energy of the Universe begins flowing in the direction of your dreams. Any step that you take-no matter how small-will help you see options that you may never have noticed before.
with love, your Angels
"It's time to look at other possibilities. It's a good time to make changes."
Sometimes we thing, This is the way it is, and we don't see other options. The Angels ask you to question any situation that you think can't be changed.
Take a moment and pretend that a magical mermaid has granted you three wishes. You can have anything you want! What will you wish for? The truth is that most anything you desire is possible, explore your options. At first, you might do so mentally-through daydreams and nighttime dreams.
Then it's important to turn those possibilities into realities by breaking them into small goals that you can accomplish today. When you explore new opportunities, the energy of the Universe begins flowing in the direction of your dreams. Any step that you take-no matter how small-will help you see options that you may never have noticed before.
with love, your Angels
angel cards,
card of the day,
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
Archangel Sandalphon
"Your prayers have been heard and answered. Have Faith."
Working with Archangel Sandalphon:
Sandalphon is one of the two archangels who were mortal men, who lived such remarkable spiritual lives that they ascended into archangeldom (the other one is Metatron). Sandalphon can help your life be a masterpiece as well. Ask him to help you live in integrity, with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and manifestation fully awakened. Sandalphon can help you speak your truth openly, in a way that benefits everyone. He'll also help you appreciate all the miracles and victories - of every size - in your life.
Sandalphon was the mortal prophet Elijah
with love, Sandalphon
"Your prayers have been heard and answered. Have Faith."
Working with Archangel Sandalphon:
Sandalphon is one of the two archangels who were mortal men, who lived such remarkable spiritual lives that they ascended into archangeldom (the other one is Metatron). Sandalphon can help your life be a masterpiece as well. Ask him to help you live in integrity, with your spiritual gifts of prophecy, healing, and manifestation fully awakened. Sandalphon can help you speak your truth openly, in a way that benefits everyone. He'll also help you appreciate all the miracles and victories - of every size - in your life.
Sandalphon was the mortal prophet Elijah
with love, Sandalphon
card of the day,
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"You're a powerful healer. Keep up the good work!"
Deep within your heart, you're aware of your healing abilities. Perhaps you've received feedback from others about the way that your words or touch have helped them heal. The Angels urge you to take your healing work to the next level. You're also asked to purify your diet and thoughts so that higher frequencies of healing energy can flow through you.
By opening to the next level, you'll notice a shift in the people or situations that come to you for help. You may find the number of healing opportunities increasing, or your clients may display a greater understanding of spirituality.
The Angels support your healing work completely. If you'd like to further your education, work in a healing center or increase your income, just ask...and then be open to receiving.
with love, your Angels
"You're a powerful healer. Keep up the good work!"
Deep within your heart, you're aware of your healing abilities. Perhaps you've received feedback from others about the way that your words or touch have helped them heal. The Angels urge you to take your healing work to the next level. You're also asked to purify your diet and thoughts so that higher frequencies of healing energy can flow through you.
By opening to the next level, you'll notice a shift in the people or situations that come to you for help. You may find the number of healing opportunities increasing, or your clients may display a greater understanding of spirituality.
The Angels support your healing work completely. If you'd like to further your education, work in a healing center or increase your income, just ask...and then be open to receiving.
with love, your Angels
angel cards,
card of the day,
Friday, May 1, 2009
Angel Card of the Day
"You are in communication with your Angels, and the messages that you are receiving are very real indeed. Trust them."
The Angels want you to know that you really are hearing them. You have been receiving repetitive messages through your feelings, dreams, visions, inner voice, or knowingness.Are you listening and trusting these messages? Are you following them?
If you get an inclination to call someone, go somewhere, or read something, it's important to follow this guidance. Your Angels ask you to give all your doubts or worries about Divine Guidance to them. Know that you truly are communicating with your Angels and enjoy the conversations!
love your Angels
"You are in communication with your Angels, and the messages that you are receiving are very real indeed. Trust them."
The Angels want you to know that you really are hearing them. You have been receiving repetitive messages through your feelings, dreams, visions, inner voice, or knowingness.Are you listening and trusting these messages? Are you following them?
If you get an inclination to call someone, go somewhere, or read something, it's important to follow this guidance. Your Angels ask you to give all your doubts or worries about Divine Guidance to them. Know that you truly are communicating with your Angels and enjoy the conversations!
love your Angels
angel cards,
card of the day,
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