Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Love of Animals

Learn to connect with the Kingdom of the animals

Each animal has something to teach and share. Dogs in particular are about showing humans what unconditional love is all about. They do not judge you, they just love you, and can be a source of love and joy. Just as you can hear what your angels are saying, if you sit quietly, turn on your heart energy, you will receive images and feelings from your animals. If the animal has been mistreated, it might take a little longer for them to share with you. However if you let your heart energy flow all around you, they will eventual come to you. Sometimes it takes time.

Every animal of the earth has something to share and contribute. Share your gratitude with them. Let them know you are just as grateful to them for joining you on this journey, even if you do not understand why it is there. Accept that each one, including your creepy crawlers, has a purpose and a point to sharing the planet. And that you are all a part of grander plan than you can possibly imagine.

Just like the trees and the sky's, they have a right to be here. Cherish them as you do one another.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the  content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Relationships

The most important relationship you have is with yourself.

All your other relationships flow from this energy. How do you feel about yourself? It is safe for you to explore and cultivate your many selves, your higher self and how you feel about them.

The relationships in our lives are vast and many. If there is an imbalance in your relationship with yourself, it is reflected in your relationships with others. Spend time getting to know and love yourself. What qualities do you love about yourself? What don't you love about yourself? Focus on your wonderful qualities and work on loving the ones you don't, as well as the ones you would like to have.

Angel wisdom reminds you that you are truly a beautiful and special person. You are worthy of healthy, balanced relationships, and to trust in yourself to make wise and honourable decisions. Most often blocks  in attracting or healing relationships are rooted in an emotional experience from childhood or within a past or existing relationship. Ask your inner child what relationships mean to you in general and/or a specific relationship so that you can better understand and heal. Then, in your mind and your heart, surround yourself, the situations, and the person(s) with calming pink light and ask the angels to help you. Be open to the gifts within each situation and allow yourself to feel the love and peace once again.

Affirm often:"I am love, I am loveable, I am loved."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Monday, August 29, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Positive Energy

Surround yourself with desired energy
Surround yourself with people who support you, make you smile and make you laugh whenever possible. This energy makes it easier to attract and create your intentions and future moments in their highest potential.

Angel wisdom suggests that you use your skills and talents with intention. This promotes harmony and joy around you and a magical sense that all things are possible. Appreciate the gifts within each moment and this will allows you to more easily attract and create all that you desire.

Avoid negative people, situations, and influences as much as possible. Avoid negative discussions with yourself and others, turn off programs with negative themes, and stay away from violent movies etc. This will assist you in cleansing any hidden blocks that could slow you down from manifesting the results you desire. Eliminate power struggles, conflicts and competition, which come from an ego desire to win.

Affirm often: "I am surrounding by loving thoughts about myself and others, I am light."

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the  content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Haniel


You're extra sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honour yourself and your feelings.

Sensitivity is a beautiful and powerful gift, and there's no such thing as being 'too sensitive.' Your sensitivity helps you know the truth about situations and people, and it's important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions, and impressions. Spend some time alone in nature to further develop your sensitivity. Avoid harsh situations and chemicals. At home or at work, ask me to help you choose life-affirming foods, beverages, companions, and activities. Know that it's safe for you to feel deep emotions, as they're a part of your sensitivity. Visualize the two of us sealed in beautiful bluish-white light.  This light dissolves any lower energies, transmuting them into love. The light also helps you distinguish between your own feelings and those of other people.

Working with Archangel Haniel: Haniel helps us honour our natural cycles, moods, and rhythms. She assists us in embracing all aspects of ourselves, including our strengths, setbacks, and shadows. Call upon her if you ever feel unsure, or bad about yourself. Haniel will help you appreciate yourself and see how beautiful you are right now.

*From Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Cards*

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Listening

Quiet your mind, take some deep breaths

And listen to the quiet voices of love. Trust that you are hearing our messages. Let us reassure you that everything is taken care of, you are safe, and dearly loved. Everything is in Universal order and therefore filled with Divine love. Infuse only loving thoughts and emotions into every aspect of your life to ensure that the highest possible outcome flows effortlessly to and through you.

Stay in a quiet and receptive state. Focus on the next step on your path of manifestations, not the exact nature you think should happen, instead be open to the magnificent possibilities that are before you. Your quiet mind and body hears us quickly and clearly.

Affirm often: "Each day I am hearing my guidance clearer and clearer." "I am in the flow with my Divine connection."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Friday, August 26, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ You are Safe

You are always protected against lower energies

Call upon Archangel Michael when you need help with courage or to assist in the release of fear and other lower thought forms. As you make changes in your life and as you encounter challenges, you are always safe and secure.

Have a heart to heart discussion with Archangel Michael often. Pour out all of your concerns to him. Don't worry about overburdening him, as Michael, like all other archangels, is able to be with everyone simultaneously who calls upon him. He has no limitations of time and space, so he can help everyone anytime they ask.

If you become worried or anxious, call in Michael to bring you peace. He can also help you clear you home, office, vehicle, or community of toxic energies. When Michael is near you'll likely notice a warm glow in your cheeks. You can ask Micheal to stay with you continuously, as he is able to be with everyone who calls upon him.

Call on Archangel Michael, and let his mighty sword cut any cords that bind you to others or lower energies. You will feel better regardless of what is happening around you.

You are dearly loved, protected and supported, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Inner Guidance

Tune into your guidance

Take time to pause, reflect and observe what follows when you trust your innate knowledge. It is your birthright to connect to, and follow that guidance. This is part of your evolution and all have access to all knowledge that exists in all realms. The challenge is in trusting what you receive and ensuring that you are tuning into the inner aspects of self and not into the mental energy of your mind.

Take a moment and quiet yourself and your thoughts, feel the love that wells up within you as you ask to connect with your authentic self and higher wisdom, and from this point of love, trust and stillness, all is available to you. We are here by your side, loving and supporting you as well as offering guidance. We are a part of you and stand ready awaiting your beckoning call.

Trust that you are dearly loved, dearly supported and that your wise, loving center is open and encircling you with the wisdom of the Divine, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Acknowledge

Look after yourself

Acknowledge your desires and needs, then takes steps to meet them. Take a look at all the gifts you have to offer and acknowledge your talents and achievements. Also become aware of these qualities in those around you, for this brings more of that energy to you and also to them.

See and share who you truly are. You and every other living thing on the earth plane are made up of beautiful particles of Creator light. Let that beautiful light shine forth for others to see and be guided by. Bloom where you grow and watch the miracles that occur around you at every moment. Focus on what you can do right now to cultivate and support this energy and let your spirit soar.

Affirmation: "I acknowledge who I really am. My spirit is free."

You are dearly loved and supported, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Innocence

Recall your innocence

For everyone is a beautiful spark of creator energy. Remember the beautiful innocence of a child and the wonder with which they view the world and then cultivate this quality within yourself once more. Then, begin to explore the world once again from this beautiful perspective of spirit.

Imagine that each butterfly is the first one you have every seen. Smell the flowers as if it is your first time enjoying their beauty. Let the waves crash against your feet and imagine that it too is the very first time. See the wonder and the beauty that surrounds you and then feel it with your heart. See it with your heart, feel it with all of your senses and be one with all that surrounds you.

Affirmation: "I see my world through the wonder of a child. I am surrounded by love and beauty always"

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Monday, August 22, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Beginnings

Life happens in cycles

There is a time of rebirth always happening. Do not be afraid to let go of that which is familiar, for the new cannot enter until the old has been released. Your angel guidance is to allow the new into your life when it arrives, and say a happy farewell to the old. You are protected always, so trust that new will bring you more that you can possibly imagine.

If those around you seem unhappy or threatened by the expansion of who you are it is truly because they think they are protecting you in some way and it is truly an act of love. Soon, they will see you and things in a different light and your strength and courage helps to inspire others to take their power and step purposefully into their contracts. See the love in all things and keep your focus on your journey

Ask and be open to receiving our support for we are always there when you call.

You are dearly loved and supported always, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Sulis

Bodies of Water

Spend time near water, such as a lake, river, or the ocean, to recharge your batteries. Water's curative effects are well known and well documented. Since the human body is composed most entirely of water, this makes sense. Water can wash away sadness, pain, and the ill effects of suffering. Engage in purification rituals involving water more often, and you'll experience an uplifting in your spirit and outlook. Water's magical properties are amplified when you infuse it with your prayers and intentions. Whether you soak in a sea-salt bath, or bathe in a freshwater spring, you're sure to see the difference that water will make.

About Sulis: Sulis is a Celtic sun goddess who oversees bodies of water associated with healing. The fountain of healing water at Bath, England, is named in Sulis's honour. Call upon Sulis while conducting healing ceremonies involving water, while taking a revitalizing swim or bath, or when you need help arranging your schedule or finances to allow a trip to the ocean or the lake.

*From Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards*

PS - this is a fantastic deck and really enjoy using it. When we have done goddess readings they are amazing and so helpful.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Peace and Serenity

Serenity, love, tranquility and peace are qualities worth cultivating

The Angels in turn ask you to spread these beautiful qualities to others. Let this be a time of new beginnings and look to the past as a blessing in your evolution. Angel wisdom reminds you that you wouldn't be where you are now if it weren't for all that you have been through. So, celebrate who you are and who you are becoming, for you are indeed a beautiful light that does make a difference in the world.

affirm often: "I am one with everyone in peace and serenity"

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels
COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Friday, August 19, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Action with Purpose

Moving forward on purpose

Decide where you want to put your energy and then trust that it can all be created and follow your heart, follow your passion. It is time to create the changed and results that you long for in your heart. When you clearly focus on your desires and take the steps you are guided to take, the path flows more smoothly. There is less juggling and wondering what will happen next. Instead you flow towards your desires.

This is a time of great change. Decisions that can alter the path of your life are before you now. Your light and your gifts are needed and serve as a beacon for those who are just awakening. You lead by example, and it is now time to step forward more fully into your passions.

Affirmation: "I direct the flow in my life. By following my passions, I create the life I desire."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Release

Put down your Burdens

Release that which you don't need. Say no to things that you do not want to do. Let others do what they need to do and let them be responsible for themselves. You are not responsible for the actions of those around, only yourself and how you respond to them. Set healthy boundaries for yourself of what is acceptable and what is not. Decide what is your responsibility and what is theirs. You are helping to empower them by allowing them to do their own work. You are helping yourself by releasing the heavy burdens that you carry with you.

Take some time to get away from it all, even if it is just for an afternoon. Go somewhere that is pristine and quiet and just be in the moment of the beauty that surrounds you. Let mother nature cradle you in her arms and soothe your heart. This will allow inspiration and hope to return to your life. The wisdom gain from this sojourn are exactly what the angels prescribe.

Make the commitment today to honour yourself and release the need to carry the world on your shoulders.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Compassion

Soften your heart to everyone and everything, especially yourself

Work at forgiving yourself and then others will naturally follow as you learn to live your life from the perspective of compassion. It is a powerful tool of spiritual growth. You don't need to change your stance or behaviour, it simply means that you can approach life with a loving heart.

See yourself and others through the eyes of your angels, with unconditional love and acceptance, regardless as to how it appears at first. The more love and compassion you begin to feel, the more the things around you seem to change. Yet it is truly you seeing the world from a higher perspective and allows any troubles, difficult relationships and lower energies to be transformed.

Affirmation: "I am cleansed with the Magenta flame and my heart is filled with compassion."

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Make a Wish

This can be a magical time

Trust that you can have all that you desire. No one will face lack because your dreams come true. There is enough for everyone is this infinite Universe. After you make your wish, look for the signs of which way to go next. Use your heart as your guide and feel your way along. Keep your thoughts positive and avoid the skeptics in your life.

You are protected from all types of harm. We ask that you relax and feel safe. Enjoy your journey for it truly is a beautiful world. Do not put your focus on things that appear to have gone wrong, for this adds energy to the situation. Keep your heart full and trust that all is as it should be. As each of you learns to trust and love, that is when you will see your world changing into the era of peace.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Monday, August 15, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Power

It is time to release internal struggles

Your personal power increases as you surrender any ego driven struggles within yourself. This also lightens up relationships where power struggles often occur. As within so without. This is why it is so important for each of you do the journey of self healing and expanding. As you change, your environment changes. And, now is the perfect time to work on finding that balance within you.

It is a perfect time to reassign the duties and responsibilities of the mental body, for it can be working on the old you from way back, and therefore making it more difficult for all of you. This is your guardian, that part of you that feels responsible for protecting you, and it has been doing the best job it knows how. Enter into meditation and have a heart to heart talk with the mental energy of yourself.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels 

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Lugh


Through persistent action and positive thing, your dreams are manifesting into form. This is a time for you to stay persistent. Give any discouragement to Lugh and the angels, who will buoy your faith and give you signs of your progress. You're almost there, so keep going. It may help to break large projects into smaller steps so that you'll feel the thrill of accomplishment with each step that you take. Persistence pays off. Stick with it.

Lugh is the Celtic sun god of harvest time whose name means "the shining one." His Celtic festival called Lughnasa, is celebrated worldwide at the end of every summer. Legend says that Lugh was renowned as the master of many crafts including art, poetry, and healing. Call upon Lugh to help with mastering anything you're learning, as well as for enjoying bountiful harvests of abundance.

*From Doreen Virtue's Ascended Master Oracle Cards*

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Explore

It is time for your life to flow

Take the time to explore the different options that are available to you and see what each one might look like. Which one gives you the best feelings of love and joy? And then, from that place of least resistance you can clearly move forward. As humans, the lessons are often learned faster in a time of chaos or crisis, however it doesn't have to be that way.

Angel guidance reminds you that you always have time, it is never wrong, and you are always surrounded by love. To feel the love that surrounds you, open your heart. To feel love for another, open your heart. To feel balanced and joyful, open your heart. You get the picture. All things can be solved from the point of unconditional love. Start small and expand as you move forward with spiritual confidence. Very soon you will have noticed the world around you has changed.

Affirmation: " I am free to choose. I see my path clearly ahead of me with each step I take. I am clearly hearing, feeling and knowing my connection to my inner wisdom."

You are dearly loved and supported always, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Friday, August 12, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Worry Not!

Let your focus be on your desires

If you are spending time worrying if you will have enough, if there is enough for everyone or will someone else get more, then your focus is on lack and you will therefore attract more of the same toward yourself. Your angel guidance is to keep you focus on your desires, on how you will feel having achieved that desire, and trusting that the signs will appear along the way and that you will indeed notice the signs.

Trust is a big part of the human journey. Trust that you can and will manifest your desires in undreamed of ways and that that more will come your way that you could possibly imagine. Hold that thought as your truth often and watch as your life changes. You have fought the good fight, it is now time to revel in the rewards of your perseverance.

Release any worries or stress that you have about creating, as this is a huge block in what you manifest. Trust that new and better things are on the way.

you are dearly loved and supported always, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Calling All Angels with Sharon Taphorn 08/11 by Shifting Times Radio | Blog Talk Radio

On Today's show I will share about working with Azrael's energy, some wisdom from AA Michael through Ronna Herman for August and a bit more about this energy we are currently in, a Meditation, and then some mini angel sessions, come join the enlightenment... xoxox Sharon

Calling All Angels with Sharon Taphorn 08/11 by Shifting Times Radio | Blog Talk Radio

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Finding Balance

Take a deep breath and find your center

Once you are there, ground your energy first with the earth, and then with the stars, and then blend your heart with ours. From this still point of reference all things are possible. There is no doubt or fear here, for it cannot exist in the presence of love.

It is important to connect with earth as a regular practice as this will help you keep your center and be in balance. Nature offers so many gifts that will open up to those who are brave enough to dare. Realize that your experiences on your earth journey are about finding the joy of being in each moment, regardless. We applaud you for having the courage to do so without the memories to your magnificence and you are each awakening to that daily.

Affirmation: "I connect my heart with that of the earth, and that of the stars, and that of the Divine Creator, and find my balance with this as me the center of the trinity."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Love

Strive to feel love

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, feel love. Feel love for your fellow travelers, regardless as to where they may be. Feel love for yourself and the choices you have made. Feel love for all as you go about your daily tasks, even if you don't particularly like who they currently are.

There is plenty of opportunity to share love on your beautiful planet, and plenty of opportunity to grow. Change the world with your smile. Share your life.

Affirmation: "I am surrounded by loving people, and places. I am love, and it is felt in my smile."

You are dearly loved and always supported, the angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Freedom

Your spirit longs to be free

It is felt deep within you as you have the stirring memories of freedom within you. As you connect with and trust your connection with us and the Divine, you feel your connection with your higher or authentic self. As you connect more frequently and trust that part of you that is not bound by time and space, you once again feel the freedom of soul. You will realize that you are indeed infinite and bound by only your thoughts of less than.

Each of you has an important purpose at this time, even if you are not sure of it. Your purpose is always changing, just as you are and so therefore we ask you to think of what you can do now to bring about the earth plane changes that are necessary at this time. As you release the need to be in service with the joy of being in service, this is when you tap into the energy of passion. Live your passion in whatever way you can at this time. Connect with your higher self and feel the merge that is taking place with the finite and the infinite and watch your world change.

You are so dearly loved and supported, feel it, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Monday, August 8, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Patience

Be patient with yourself

You are a beautiful being of creator energy who is learning to be finite. This is no small task and we honour you who stepped up into your contracts. Often with such great zeal we are honoured to be your guidance. Take time out each day to feel our love for you, it will do wonders in buoying your energy and strength. Angel wisdom reminds you that love is the underlying energy of every situation on your earth plane. Therefore we ask that you see only love and transfuse only love into all that you do. As you bring more love into all that you do, you will receive rewards in undreamed of way.

Take each step with thoroughness of thought, and conviction. As you focus on working towards that which lays in your heart, you cannot help but create in your life. Are you ready? We are always with you, by your side. Please invoke us and let us all be of service in this wonderful time on your planet.

You are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Archangel Azrael


I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal. Even the strongest person experiences upsetting situations, and there's no shame in taking time to heal your heart. This is a good time for quiet reflection upon your true feelings. Write them down in a private journal, and then call upon me to bring comfort to your heart and mind. I can help you sleep better at night and put your mind at ease.

Working with Archangel Azrael: Azrael's aura is a beautiful shade of vanilla cream; a very pale yellow tone. He surrounds grielving and dying persons with this loving light to bring them comfort. When Azrael is around, you may see eggshell-coloured twinkling lights in the room. The crystal, creamy yellow calcite is calibrated to Azrael's energy, so holding or wearing this crystal may lend additional comfort.

*From Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Cards*

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Reward Yourself

Take the time to reward yourself

Do something for yourself in a meaningful way. Keep your faith strong in creating that which you desire. In order for you to keep your reserves high is by taking excellent care of yourself. You are an important gift and have a unique attribute that only belongs to you at this time and we pledge you to share your gifts with others. Take time out regularly to treat yourself special, as you would a dear friend. Treat a dear friend to join you and create joy together. You are always stronger together.

Have faith and hope that your dreams are manifesting, even if you can't see it yet. There is always a blessing in each situation. See that blessing and release it. To manifest more rapidly, think of that which you desire while playing music, chanting or humming. This increases the resonance of the dream and the dreamer. Dream Big.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Friday, August 5, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Stay Optimistic

Ground yourself through mother earth
When all around you seems to be falling apart, take a breath, and connect with your beautiful Terra.
In these changing times that you are amidst, remember to stay optimistic and ground yourself regularly. Use the power of affirmations to keep your focus, and your conscious connection with Mother Earth will help you keep that focus.

Sometimes humans get detached from the very earth they live on when they are doing higher work, and in these days of higher energy, many want to be detached. However the Angels want to remind you that you are here doing a physical journey, and as you learn to work with these higher energy times, you will find that you are more able to create that which you desire. Being grounded while you work with this energy assists in creating your dreams in the 3D world.

So, talk positively, focus on the good in life and feel happier and healthier in the process.

And, always remember that you are dearly loved, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust

Trust in yourself,

Trusting that you do indeed deserve it all. This is one of the most difficult tasks many face. Sometimes when humans have trusted, they have felt let down. First by others and then themselves. The Angels wish to remind you to begin again fresh and new. If you are holding on to past experiences and old results, you will get more of the same. That is the universal law of attraction. It is therefore important for you to focus on what is happening now and is before you, and not keep looking in the past.

Put your faith in yourself. Listen to your intuition, listen to the emotions that come from your heart. Ask us to help you lose any fears that might be blocking you from enjoying unconditional trust in yourself.
Let your Angels flood you with their love and allow it to flow into your heart and your mind. Clear old thought patterns and we can help you to release them. Allow yourself to spontaneously feel that love, and trust that you are powerful and deserving.

You are dearly loved and supported, always the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Letting Go

Release any worries or powerless thoughts

For these could be holding you back. If you are attached to people, things, or circumstances, it is time to release. If you are holding expectations of others to make things better, it is time to release this as it holds you to a lower frequency that can keep you stuck where you are.

Your Angel guidance is to ask your angels to help you cut the cords that tie you to people, things and emotions. When these are released, you can reclaim your power. Trust your intuition, listen to your higher self. You will do the right thing for all concerned - even if this is indeed the hardest choice you have to make.

Affirmation:"I release everyone and everything. My spirit is free."

You are dearly loved and supported, always the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Signs

We are sending your signs

Coincidences and synchronicities are carefully orchestrated by your guides and Angels from your askings, so pay careful attention to the messages that are around you.
There is no such thing as chance, in our amazing Universe. We carefully plan each phase of your journey with your guides and Angels, and they cleverly deliver you the signs and synchronicity on your path. There might be, and a bird or a butterfly fly near you to let you know that they are working with you, working for you. You may hear a song several times that means something to you or makes you think of someone, or perhaps even helps you release and grow.

Pay attention to the messages and signs that come your way, as these are guideposts to assist you on your path. If you ask the Angels for a sign, or have a question or a decision to make, be open to receiving it, don't specify what sign you would like to receive, leave that up to your angels.

Start to expect them and look for them. Be aware that there is a divine reason behind them and consider what the message or lesson is. Rejoice when you notice them, offer gratitude and know that you deserve to receive good in all ways.

Affirm often: "All things happen in divine order."

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you
Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji

Monday, August 1, 2011

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be True to Your Self

It is time to be your authentic self

Make your real feelings and beliefs be your truth. Share who you are with yourself and others. Let people see your true nature. Let people feel your wisdom.  Follow what lies in your heart. Live your truth, as you are a most beautiful part of the creator, and all that is.

Your relationships will change when you 'come out of the closet'.  Those that aren't evolving will naturally drop away, and other relationships will deepen as you will know that you are loved for who you truly are. Love yourself. Trust and follow your intuition. You can be divinely guided, for you can always tap into the wellspring of infinite knowledge. Trust the knowingness, the visions, or the inner voice that is trying to share with you to enhance your journey. Know that you are spiritual supported in this process by the Guides and the Angels.

Use morning affirmations each day to assist you in all that you wish to create and manifest. This is a powerful tool should you choose to use it. Before or immediately after arising, spend a few minutes thinking about your desires. Allow yourself to imagine that they've already manifested. Set your intention for what you would like to create in your day today (each day). And as you go about your day, let go of any judgments about yourself or others. Speak your truth with LOVE. Allow others to get to know the real you.

You are dearly loved and supported, always, the Angels

COPYRIGHT © 2011... Permission is granted to copy and redistribute the Angel Wisdom on the
condition that the written content remains complete, full
credit is given to the author, and that it is
distributed freely.

thank you

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji