"Call upon me to assist in the transformation of any situation. Call upon me to assist you in being courageous, for direction, and fulfilling your life purpose."
There is much energy about on your planet at this time and all is perfect alignment with all that is regardless of how things may appear. And with all of this energy, many of you are feeling frazzled, fried, and spent so to speak. We hear your pleas for assistance and we are indeed with you.
Call upon our energies to assist in the transformations of your thoughts to that of love.
Call upon our energies to assist in the transformations of your fears to that of love.
Call upon our energies to assist in the transformations of your heart, allow it to open and feel compassion, feel our love and feel the transformation, for it is through your own journey that you do service and assist others in transforming their journey. You become the beacon of light.
We know that many of you are going through complete transformations in your physical realm. Jobs changing, whether you were ‘ready’ or not, financial changes, home changes, so much changes, you feel as if you are spinning out of control at times. We ask you to call upon our energies and breathe deep within, find a moment of peace within your core center or soul star, call us in and allow us to assist in the transformation requested....
Call upon the violet flame
Call upon the violet flame
Call upon the violet flame
Call upon the Angels of the violet flame
Call upon the Angels of the violet flame
Call upon the Angels of the Violet flame
Call upon St. Germain of the Violet Flame
Call upon St. Germain of the Violet Flame
Call upon St. Germain of the Violet Flame
I ask for assistance in transforming
[state the situation you are transforming]
I thank you for your assistance, my loving gratitude...
And listen for our answers, feel our loving embrace and feel the transformation begin. Pay attention to the signs, look for the violet hue, and know that once we are asked, we are instantly by your side, working from our side.
Consciously set your intent several times a day, bringing our energies through your heart center while holding the thoughts of the highest outcome.
We are hear for you, Saint Germain and the Angels of the Violet Flame...PS
(St Germain has been wanting to share for several weeks now & came to both Judy and myself, so we are adding working with the Ascended Masters to Calling all Angels too.) love Sharon